Tuesday, July 31, 2007
ACELA...The Fastest Train in USA

Monday, July 30, 2007
I die to have an answer

Sunday, July 29, 2007
Nice Quotes
-I had the blues because I had no shoes until upon the street, I met a man who had no feet. ~Ancient Persian
-It's so hard when I have to, and so easy when I want to. ~Annie Gottlier
-Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference. ~Winston Churchill
-Every day may not be good, but there's something good in every day. ~Author Unknown
-Happiness is an attitude. We either make ourselves miserable, or happy and strong. The amount of work is the same. ~Francesca Reigler
-If you don't like something change it; if you can't change it, change the way you think about it. ~Mary Engelbreit
-The only people who find what they are looking for in life are the fault finders. ~Foster's Law
-Defeat is not bitter unless you swallow it. ~Joe Clark
-The only disability in life is a bad attitude. ~Scott Hamilton
-My riches consist not in the extent of my possessions, but in the fewness of my wants. ~J. Brotherton
-Whenever you fall, pick something up. ~Oswald Avery
-Being a sex symbol has to do with an attitude, not looks. Most men think it's looks, most women know otherwise. ~Kathleen Turner
-It's so hard when I have to, and so easy when I want to. ~Annie Gottlier
-Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference. ~Winston Churchill
-Every day may not be good, but there's something good in every day. ~Author Unknown
-Happiness is an attitude. We either make ourselves miserable, or happy and strong. The amount of work is the same. ~Francesca Reigler
-If you don't like something change it; if you can't change it, change the way you think about it. ~Mary Engelbreit
-The only people who find what they are looking for in life are the fault finders. ~Foster's Law
-Defeat is not bitter unless you swallow it. ~Joe Clark
-The only disability in life is a bad attitude. ~Scott Hamilton
-My riches consist not in the extent of my possessions, but in the fewness of my wants. ~J. Brotherton
-Whenever you fall, pick something up. ~Oswald Avery
-Being a sex symbol has to do with an attitude, not looks. Most men think it's looks, most women know otherwise. ~Kathleen Turner
Iraqi Made it to the Final Asian Soccer Championship

The Iraqi national team includes Shiite, Sunni and Kurdish players. The sport united them together. The international challege awaken their loyalty to their Country
Television footage from Jakarta showed players draped in Iraqi flags hoisting small pewter trophies in the air. They grasped for the Asian Cup being held by one of their teammates who was standing on a dais set up on the field.
Here We Go...

What is Stereotyping
Stereotyping is the process of categorizing and making assumptions about members of a particular group, solely because of their membership in that group. These assumptions can be either positive (e.g., those people are smart), or negative (e.g., Those people are aggressive), but they are more frequently negative. First, we categorize others based on easily identifiable characteristics (e.g., race, gender, physical characteristics, age). Second, we assume that certain attributes apply to all or almost all of the people in the category. Third, we assume that the people in this category are different than people in other categories with respect to these attributes. And fourth, we assume that individual members of a category possess the attributes associated with their groups.
Stereotyping negatively effects communication in at least three ways:
1. Stereotyping can prevent us from really getting to know people on an individual basis. That's because we act on the assumptions we make about people instead of taking the time to really understand who they are. Stereotyping, in its most basic form, is the process of interacting with the assumptions we make about people, as opposed to the people themselves. This can cause us to develop superficial relationships with others, instead of relationships based on mutual respect and understanding. An understanding that can only come about when people genuinely take the time to get to know each other.
2. Stereotyping increases the likelihood of making communication errors and offending others. This is because stereotypes are learned and culturally transmitted generalizations we have about members of a particular group. The problem is that these assumptions and generalizations are often inaccurate. So we may say or do something that is offensive to the party we are in communication with.
3. Stereotyping can make us shy away from people from particular cultural groups. Many of us avoid interaction with others because of their race, age, gender, educational level, socioeconomic status or position. We may assume those individuals have nothing in common with us, or that we will be more comfortable with people who look more like us. This is one of the biggest reasons why people from similar race, age, gender, educational level, socioeconomic status tend to stay together, and separate themselves from other groups.
The most pernicious aspect of stereotyping is the fact that we all do it (whether we want to believe it or not), and it often happens unconsciously. This is problematic because stereotyping can have an extremely negative impact on communication and human interaction, especially if culturally diverse is there.
Stereotyping negatively effects communication in at least three ways:
1. Stereotyping can prevent us from really getting to know people on an individual basis. That's because we act on the assumptions we make about people instead of taking the time to really understand who they are. Stereotyping, in its most basic form, is the process of interacting with the assumptions we make about people, as opposed to the people themselves. This can cause us to develop superficial relationships with others, instead of relationships based on mutual respect and understanding. An understanding that can only come about when people genuinely take the time to get to know each other.
2. Stereotyping increases the likelihood of making communication errors and offending others. This is because stereotypes are learned and culturally transmitted generalizations we have about members of a particular group. The problem is that these assumptions and generalizations are often inaccurate. So we may say or do something that is offensive to the party we are in communication with.
3. Stereotyping can make us shy away from people from particular cultural groups. Many of us avoid interaction with others because of their race, age, gender, educational level, socioeconomic status or position. We may assume those individuals have nothing in common with us, or that we will be more comfortable with people who look more like us. This is one of the biggest reasons why people from similar race, age, gender, educational level, socioeconomic status tend to stay together, and separate themselves from other groups.
The most pernicious aspect of stereotyping is the fact that we all do it (whether we want to believe it or not), and it often happens unconsciously. This is problematic because stereotyping can have an extremely negative impact on communication and human interaction, especially if culturally diverse is there.
Barriers to Effective Multicultural Communication
There is three main barriers that block the communication of people who belong to different cultures. People who are exposed to situation of confronting others from different background include those who deal with international business, people who are not living in their home Country, people who cummunicate globally through the internet, among others. Those three main barriers are:
1.STEREOTYPING- The most significant barrier to effective cross-cultural communication is the tendency of human beings to stereotype, or more specifically, to categorize and make assumptions about others based on identified characteristics such as gender, race, ethnicity, age, religion, nationality or socioeconomic status. Whether we realize it or not (and we often do not), we all stereotype and make assumptions about others at one time or another. Most of us do so on a regular basis.
2.LACK OF UNDERSTANDING - Another major barrier to effective multicultural interaction is the lack of understanding that is frequently present between people from different backgrounds. Because people may have differences in values, beliefs, methods of reasoning, communication styles, work styles, and personality types, communication difficulties will often occur. In order to communicate effectively, each party must have a clear and accurate understanding of the thoughts, feelings, ideas, values, styles, desires and goals of the other person. But because of the differences between communication partners, this understanding is not always gained. This is compounded by the fact that many of us are not very effective at getting to understand the ways in which others may differ.
3.JUDGMENTAL ATTITUDES - Many of us have it when it comes to interacting with people who are different. Most of us would like to believe we are open minded and accepting. But in reality, a great many of us find discomfort with those who are different in terms of values, beliefs and behaviors. We may then evaluate those values, beliefs and behaviors in a negative light. This is the essence of ethnocentrism, where we evaluate good and bad, right and wrong relative to how closely the values, behaviors and ideas of others mirror our own. Put simply, to effectively interact with people who are different from us, we must suspend judgment about their ways, and try to get to understand them from their perspective. But for most of us, this is much easier said than done.
1.STEREOTYPING- The most significant barrier to effective cross-cultural communication is the tendency of human beings to stereotype, or more specifically, to categorize and make assumptions about others based on identified characteristics such as gender, race, ethnicity, age, religion, nationality or socioeconomic status. Whether we realize it or not (and we often do not), we all stereotype and make assumptions about others at one time or another. Most of us do so on a regular basis.
2.LACK OF UNDERSTANDING - Another major barrier to effective multicultural interaction is the lack of understanding that is frequently present between people from different backgrounds. Because people may have differences in values, beliefs, methods of reasoning, communication styles, work styles, and personality types, communication difficulties will often occur. In order to communicate effectively, each party must have a clear and accurate understanding of the thoughts, feelings, ideas, values, styles, desires and goals of the other person. But because of the differences between communication partners, this understanding is not always gained. This is compounded by the fact that many of us are not very effective at getting to understand the ways in which others may differ.
3.JUDGMENTAL ATTITUDES - Many of us have it when it comes to interacting with people who are different. Most of us would like to believe we are open minded and accepting. But in reality, a great many of us find discomfort with those who are different in terms of values, beliefs and behaviors. We may then evaluate those values, beliefs and behaviors in a negative light. This is the essence of ethnocentrism, where we evaluate good and bad, right and wrong relative to how closely the values, behaviors and ideas of others mirror our own. Put simply, to effectively interact with people who are different from us, we must suspend judgment about their ways, and try to get to understand them from their perspective. But for most of us, this is much easier said than done.
attitude, good attitude, bad attitude
good attitude
companionable (2)
gallant (2)
social (2)
bad attitude
cold (2)
cold-blooded (2)
companionable (2)
gallant (2)
social (2)
bad attitude
cold (2)
cold-blooded (2)
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Game is Over Lybia. Move on...

See " Very Happy Ending" published here on 7/17/07
Read Also:
Friday, July 27, 2007
Which One is True about Iran?
According to the U.S State Department, U.S. complaints about Iran include:
1-Iranian efforts to acquire nuclear weapons and other WMD·
2-Involvement and support of international terrorism·
3-Support for violent opposition to the Middle East peace process·
4-Threats and subversive activities against its neighbors·
5-Iran’s dismal human rights record.
1-Iranian efforts to acquire nuclear weapons and other WMD·
2-Involvement and support of international terrorism·
3-Support for violent opposition to the Middle East peace process·
4-Threats and subversive activities against its neighbors·
5-Iran’s dismal human rights record.
Drug Abuse
Thursday, July 26, 2007
The Seven Deadly Vices
We are all sinners. Everyone of any religion is a sinner. We all know that. That is why we all say when we pray daily “ God have mercy on me (us)”.We admit to the One God that we are trying not to sin but sometimes we unevitably do. Sins are known to everybody even athiest. Sin is an ACT. We do something that is forbidden. But what motive we might have that make us sin. The motive has a more dangerous effect than the sin itself because the strength of the motive makes us repeat the sin. Thinkers and philosophers allover the world since ancient civilization could outline those motives. They call them” the Seven Deadly Vices”
These vices are pride, envy, avarice, anger, lust, gluttony, and sloth. The opposite of these vices are the following virtues: meekness, humility, generosity, tolerance, chastity, moderation, and zeal (meaning enthusiastic devotion to a good cause or an ideal). These capital vices and virtues can be considered the "building blocks" that rule human behaviour. Both are acquired and reinforced by practice and the exercise of one induces or facilitates the others.
Ranked in order of severity as per Dante's Divine Comedy (in the Purgatorio), the seven deadly vices are:
Pride or Vanity; an excessive love of self (holding self out of proper position toward God or fellows; Dante's definition was "love of self perverted to hatred and contempt for others).
Avarice (covetousness, Greed) — a desire to possess money of else, more than one has need or use.
Lust ; excessive sexual desire.
Wrath or Anger ; feelings of hatred, revenge or even denial, as well as punitive desires outside of justice.
Gluttony; overindulgence in food, drink or intoxicants, or misplaced desire of food as a pleasure for its sensuality.
Envy or jealousy; resentment of others for their possessions. Wishing the others to lose what they have that one does not have too
Sloth or Laziness; idleness and wastefulness of time allotted. Laziness is condemned because others have to work harder and useful work can not get done.
24 character strengths that one needs to acquire to overcome the effect of those seven deadly instinctual motives.
These include:
Wisdom and Knowledge
Perspective wisdom
Forgiveness and mercy
Humility and Modesty
Self-regulation [self-control]
Transcendence - strengths that forge connections to the larger universe and provide meaning
Appreciation of beauty and excellence
Humor, playfulness
It is not only the muscles exercise that keep us in good health. It is rather the excercises of the self and soul.
These vices are pride, envy, avarice, anger, lust, gluttony, and sloth. The opposite of these vices are the following virtues: meekness, humility, generosity, tolerance, chastity, moderation, and zeal (meaning enthusiastic devotion to a good cause or an ideal). These capital vices and virtues can be considered the "building blocks" that rule human behaviour. Both are acquired and reinforced by practice and the exercise of one induces or facilitates the others.
Ranked in order of severity as per Dante's Divine Comedy (in the Purgatorio), the seven deadly vices are:
Pride or Vanity; an excessive love of self (holding self out of proper position toward God or fellows; Dante's definition was "love of self perverted to hatred and contempt for others).
Avarice (covetousness, Greed) — a desire to possess money of else, more than one has need or use.
Lust ; excessive sexual desire.
Wrath or Anger ; feelings of hatred, revenge or even denial, as well as punitive desires outside of justice.
Gluttony; overindulgence in food, drink or intoxicants, or misplaced desire of food as a pleasure for its sensuality.
Envy or jealousy; resentment of others for their possessions. Wishing the others to lose what they have that one does not have too
Sloth or Laziness; idleness and wastefulness of time allotted. Laziness is condemned because others have to work harder and useful work can not get done.
24 character strengths that one needs to acquire to overcome the effect of those seven deadly instinctual motives.
These include:
Wisdom and Knowledge
Perspective wisdom
Forgiveness and mercy
Humility and Modesty
Self-regulation [self-control]
Transcendence - strengths that forge connections to the larger universe and provide meaning
Appreciation of beauty and excellence
Humor, playfulness
It is not only the muscles exercise that keep us in good health. It is rather the excercises of the self and soul.
Questions About The Korean Hostages in Afghanistan

1- Why a 23 South Korean citizens, belong to a church in Korea, travel to a readical islamic Country like Afghanistan?
2- What kind of visa they have been given
3- What hidden missionary activity they were doing there
4- How they were identified by the Taliban
5- How they were communicating with the poor illiterate " Stressed" Afghani people that they went there to relief.
Let us know the answers then we talk about how to release those hostages
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
I said it...I said it...I said it. EXACTLY as I said it

Bulgarian nurses spent over eight years in a Libyan prison. After a deal was reached with Libya on compensation and medical ties, the six were allowed to serve out their sentence in Bulgaria. But Georgi Parvanov the Bulgarian President pardoned the medical workers on Tuesday ( immediately) after they arrived in Sofia
Sergei Stanishev, the Bulgarian prime minister, said at the airport: "The return of the medics is a direct result of Bulgaria's membership in the European Union, of the solidarity which the EU showed Bulgaria."
Meanwhile, French President Nicolas Sarkozy said Tuesday he would visit Libya following the release of the six. "I will have the chance tomorrow, with Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner, to make a political visit to Libya to help Libya to reintegrate the concert of nations." France linked Wednesday's trip to Libya with the release beforehand of the five Bulgarian nurses and Palestinian doctor.
Diplomats said Libya had asked for normalized ties with the European Union in the talks and was holding out for more foreign funds to treat the children. The EU does not want to pay compensation that might suggest an admission the medics are guilty.
By analysing the event a few important points can by hilighted.
1- The immediate pardon and release of the nurses by the Bulgarian President while the agreement was to make them complete the sentense in Bulgarian jail shows how severe they intended to humiliate the Lybian authority. It shows also that the rest of the promises given to Lybia will not be done.
2- If Gazzafi was the one who decided the pardon, as long as the settlement is already done, he would have gained a lot of respect and benefits from the EU. But as usual he is stupid.
3- French first lady Cecilia Sarkozy firmly proved herself as a political negociator. She has been only in place for 3 weeks. Her travel to Lybia in person also hilights the importance of the issue and the unity of the EU.
4- Trasnferring the nurses in a Presidential plane indicate that the EU is considering the nurses as diplomats. That by itself means there will be more consequences.
4- Trasnferring the nurses in a Presidential plane indicate that the EU is considering the nurses as diplomats. That by itself means there will be more consequences.
5- The support the EU gave to Bulgaria, the newest member is giving Tukey a motivation and lesson since Turkey is dying to join the EU but still refusing the EU terms.
6- The lack of counteracting Arabic support to Lybia ( except for a vague role of Qatar) reinforces the belief that the Arabs will never unite. That by itself support the security of Israel.
I am saying it again.. The story is not done yet.
Monday, July 23, 2007
You Are The Man

1- Fracture ribs 4-10.
2- Skock due to low cardiac output from heart compression.
3- Laceration and collapse of both lungs.
4- Rupture of the Aorta.
5- Severe Internal bleeding
He volunteered to risk that to prove that " he is the man". Good for him.
I'm not gonna do that. I prefer a different way to prove it.
Enjoy Your Trip
within that natural beauty, natural tanning bath, comfortable seats, fresh cool air, and great accomodations. Well, wish you good luck... Have fun
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Social Disaster
Three Palestenian women were found thrown in the desert, stabbed to death to restore a claimed family honor. That is an insane wild animal behavior. Gazza became a jungle. People there because of the ideological chaos forgot themselves and thought they are Gods who can unquestionably terminate somebody's life. What if the three women were prostitutes. Yes prostitutes. Put yourself in their places. Husbands murdered. brothers murdered. There is no bread winner's in the house.( that apply if there is bread left there) They are forced to that for Food...Food... Food. Not for clothing, not for medications, not to take care of their elderly parents but just for their own Foooooooood. Does anybody here knows what food means?
Watch Your Butt Sweeti
Poor Husband
If You Are Really Pretty
Few days and you will be the luckiest woman on earth
Money, Beauty and Freedom
and if you were virgin you will most probably
stay as is
Wild Nun
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Acrobatic skill of Egyptian men

Etiquette is a code that governs the expectations of social behavior, according to the conventional norm within a society, social class, or group. in a multi-ethnic society LIKE THE Unites States there are many clashing expectations. Thus, it is now possible to refer to "an etiquette" or "a culture", realizing that these may not be universal. Etiquette fundamentally prescribes and restricts the ways in which people interact with each other, and show their respect for other people. Etiquette instructs people to greet friends and acquaintances with warmth and respect, refrain from insults and prying curiosity, offer hospitality equally and generously to guests, wear clothing suited to the occasion, contribute to conversations without dominating them, offer assistance to those in need, eat neatly and quietly, avoid disturbing others with unnecessary noise, arrive promptly when expected, comfort the bereaved, and respond to invitations promptly. Etiquette varied by class. The higher the social class the etiquette is finely tuned. Some people consider etiquette to be an unnecessary restriction of freedom of personal expression; others consider such looseness to be unmannerly and rude. Etiquette is dependent on culture; what is excellent etiquette in one society may shock in another. Etiquette can vary widely between different cultures and nations. In China, a person who takes the last item of food from a common plate or bowl without first offering it to others at the table may be seen as a glutton and insulting the generosity of the host., whilst in most European cultures a guest is expected to eat all of the food given to them, as a compliment to the quality of the cooking. More strange among the Inuit, the man offers his wife to his guest to spend the night with as a proof of the warm welcoming. Even more recently, the rise of the Internet has necessitated the adaptation of existing rules of conduct to create Netiquette, which governs the drafting of email, rules for participating in an online forum, and so on.

دبي، الإمارات العربية المتحدة(CNN)-- أصبح "برج دبي" رسمياً
أطول مبنى في العالم مع بلوغه الطابق 141 بارتفاع 510 أمتار متفوقاً
على برج "تايبه 101" الذي يبلغ ارتفاعه 507،3 متر
Dubai Tower is now exceeding the highest building in the world. On the last classification done by emporis... it was number Twelve.
This listing is verified and updated continuously and includes high-rise buildings which have been topped out, including those still under construction or on hold. The ranking is based entirely on the buildings' structural height. TV towers, masts, and other building types are not included.
I could not paste the list of the world highest building but it can be checked in the Emporis offical site. http://www.emporis.com/en/bu/sk/st/tp/wo/
Friday, July 20, 2007
33- ADAM AND EVE Cont-
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