If you look at the process of marriage from a practical point of view you see it exactly like organ transplant. How is that? In organ transplant before a decision is taken of which organ to be transplanted to which person first we make a primary survey that includes the basic facts like the matching in blood group between the donor and the recipient, matching the size of the organ to the size of the person. Health condition of the organ etc...Don’t you do that when you look for a spouse? Don’t you look first if she/he matches you in age, religion, education, social class etc..?

If the primary survey passed OK then we go to the more expensive and advanced tissue tests. There are many tests. Are the donor and the recipient tissue markers match? Is any signs of rejection happens when the tissue of one is exposed to the tissue of the other? Don’t we do that too? Don’t we date? Don’t we hang out together to see how we feel to one another. Don’t we test our partners in our subconscious every time we meet them to see how they tolerate being implanted inside. How well they do when we challenge them? Doesn’t he introduce you to his family and she introduces you to her family. Isn’t that a challenging test for family compatibility? If everything came fine and the entire test are positive then we do the transplant surgery (The wedding) where the two parts become finally a united one. Now the two receive the same blood supply, share the same nutrient source and develop a shared defense mechanism against invaders.

Is the Surgery the final step in the success process? No, not at all. The person and the organ have to receive a regular amount of anti allergic medications for Life, so that the rejection never happens. Don’t you see successful married couples doing the same? Don’t you see her regularly take care of his needs and always be appealing to him? Don’t you see him regularly taking her out for a dinner, buying her gifts and flowers and always showing her his concern about her happiness? If they stopped one day this regular mutual care the marriage that used to be successful soon collapses
The same exact things that happened in a successful organ transplant are happening in a successful marriage. If you think of your marriage as a successful organ transplant process then you will not look her physical beauty or wealth as you will look for her matching and caring personality. You will also not look at his possessions and job as you look for his honest, responsible and dependable character.