Thursday, September 13, 2007

Bad boy are born bad boys

Aywa shatrah. Et3awwedi takli mouz 3alasham 7atakli mouz kol youm lamma tekbari.

He and she- 7. After 2 years of marriage

She: hey wait, dont sleep
He" What?
She: If I didn't agree to marry you, whom do you think you would marry of the people that I know?
He: I would marry your mother so I will be Goz Ommek wa atalla3 3enek. I need to sleep I have work tomorrow. Ehmadi

I am sorry, I just couldn't believe it

When I heard the complaint from one or two girls I argued because I was one of those who teased girls in the street when I was a teenager. We were funny and sacrcastic and the girls were laughing and sometimes that way we could initiate a relation. This week, the week of Kollona Laila, I was shocked to notice that overwhelming complaint from every single girl. I repeat, every single girl. The quality of people and the harassment itself is different and intolerable. Harassment includes now physical touching, rubbing and sequeezing and people like the taxi driver who supposed to be your guardian during the trip. No way to leave that untreated because that eventually will affect the social stability and security. Even economically since many women will prefer to stay home adding financial burnden on their families. There is also one big problem is that you can not change the attitude of a society in one day or week or month. We also have to admit that those girls are emtionally stressed out too and some of them wish to have a chance of intimate relief if she guarantees the privacy and safety.

Here how I deal with that in my own way.
1- Insertion of under cover female detectives - even ordinary college girls hired temorary for that campaign- into the public places specially the transportation. Those female detectives are backed up by an armed male detective. Once an incident happen, they arrest the guy AND broadcast it in the TV news. That by itself will descrease the number of cases into at least %50. Many men will stop just afraid of the publicity.Is that an enough solution. Well, of course not we just increased the steam pressure inside a closed pot. If left like that we might be faced with the appearance of a worse scenarios, gang rape for example, or raping wives at home while husbands are out. so what else the Governemt could do to add reliefing factors?
2- Legalize to couples to live together regardless of their marital status. That by itself would solve tens of our social problems. I dont see any problem in that. I dont know why the Governemt inserts its nose into individual issues like this. It is like banning unmarried man and woman from buying one car to share it together. What is the problem if a female friend lived with me or I lived with a female friend. What happen in that situation is that the spiting jeolous naighbors and the door man race one another to call the police. Well, the police should answer " this is a personal matter as long as there is no harm".
3- Go back to what we use to do in the 50s and legalize the profession and make it under surpervision.
It doesn't seem to me that I covered the whole issue but that is all I could think of at the moment.

Don't talk to yourself...Take to somebody, maybe he has a word for you

She: That is all I do in my life. Cook, wash the dishes, clean the house, make the laundry take care of the children and be top ready at night so he can be pleased

He ahd she -6

She: men emta ma olteleesh " Ba7ebbek"?
He: Ba7ebbeeeekkk. 7ate2ta3i el amees allah yekhreb baitek.

Canon in D

Pachelbel's Canon also known as Canon in D major, is the most famous piece of music by Johann Pachelbel. It was written in or around 1680
The piece is commonly played at weddings and is frequently present on miscellaneous classical music compilation. Here is an amazing asian child paying it on the piano with amazing performance
One of the all-time top ten most watched videos on YouTube is guitar which has been viewed over 27 million times. Posted online in December 2005, it consists of a rock music version of Pachelbel's Canon performed on electric guitar by the young man Justin Havinga.The arrangement used in the video was written by the Taiwanese guitarist JerryC and is called Canon Rock.


The problem of the common sense

Most of the problems that happen between He and She are due to the fact that each of them have a predetermined set of expectations from the other, and when that doesn’t happen the hell comes on earth. When someone asks “Why” the answer comes “ it is a common sense”. The woman requires the man to understand her code of likes and dislikes and when he does not do as her expectations she got mad, sad and frustrated. She never even tell him why. The man expects from the woman the same thing, to satisfy his male code though he never explained to her. When you ask he tells you” Doesn’t she watch movies and TV, doesn’t she see what good women do to their men, it is a common sense”. No it is not. Things shouldn’t be taken for granted if both have different nature. He and she should maturely sit together and list it to one another. What are each one’s good expectations from the other. Then at least there won’t be problems of misunderstanding.

He and she -5

He: When you came into my life everthing became sweet and exciting
She" When you came into my life I felt I had my first child, a brat, spoiled, bad boy
He: I like your hair.
She: Only my hair? you said something else last night.

If a man beat a woman I don't blame the man. I blame the woman

What do you think could be my rationale behind saying that? I tell you. There is a red line for everything in life. Everyone has to be able to see how far he/she is from that red line. Crossing that red line should mean to you that you will lose and you are the one to blame. Every one knows that if you pass by a street dog who is eating you should keep a distance otherwise he would get provoked and bite you. Then dont blame the dog. If a police officer stopped your car and asked for your license then he commented that you violated some law then you rather apologise. if you tell him that your uncle is a big officer and you dont care then he will rip your license into small pieces and throw it in the air. Don't blame the officer, blame yourself. There are million example of people forgetting themselves and cross the red line. If you felt that the argument with your husband reached a critical point then you should learn how to stop pushing and cut it off . That will spare yourself a situation where he can rush and hurt you. The man has only his physical power to use against you. You have many other weapons. Any respectful people of any sex who get involved in an argument should learn how to quit when it reaches a critical level