Thursday, September 6, 2007

Real life talk - 2 Egyptian american young men

Samy and Samir are two wonderful Egyptian American young men who came to the USA after graduation from college in Egypt. It took them a pretty hard work and a lot of suffering until both reached the best they can get as immigrant from a developing country. Each got another higher American degree. They both have a stable descent jobs with average monthly income of $10.000 maybe more. Each has his own house with a pool and backyard, cars, savings , and more, so basically they are stabilized. They finally decided to complete the life cycle, making a family, have kids, enjoy life is a stable warm family atmosphere. We were sitting in an Egyptian social club in Long Island and I had the chance to hear that very American conversation of two Egyptians.
Samy: whatzup dude?
Samir: nothing, I just finished a call with my sister in Egypt, they want me to go there next month so I can see the girls they found for me to choose one as a wife. I’ve also known few Egyptian girls from the internet and it would be a chance to meet them too.
Samy: What? From Egypt? Shit. Are you crazy?
Samir: well I was raised in a traditional conservative family and I want my family to be the same, the classic executive system of the family. We were so strong and so happy. Dad is the head of the family, the bread winner and mom is the master of the internal family affairs who gave us the time and attention to raise us well.
Samy: You are crazy man. You talk as if you have never lived in a civilized Country
Samir: No, I am not. Marriage became very risky these days. I fought a lot as you know to reach what I reached and I don’t wanna lose all that by marrying a bitch from here.
Samy: Gee man. You don’t know what is waiting for you. They gonna F*** you up. This month she missed her family and she want to go there for a month leaving you here to burn yourself up, next month her dad is sick and they want to put him in an good hospital, they need $5000. Next month her sister wants a laptop. Next month her brother wants to come here and he wants an affidavit of support. Next month, it is the mother's day; she wants to send her mom a gift. You gonna be sucked by this family and they gonna drain you to the last drop.
Samir: Well, you get what you pay for. What you can get from an Egyptian girl you can’t find it here
Samy: Fine, at least look for an Egyptian girl who was born and raised here. She wont be that greedy or financially abusive to you.
Samir: Well, I thought of that but, first they are not easy to find second you can never find in them the tenderness, femininity, and decency that you can find in Egypt. You are a man like me and you know it all. They don’t give unless they are in need, then and only then they do everything willingly, whether the intimacy or the house duties or the kids care. If she is independent or self supported you gonna hear the shit “you abuse me” “I am human not a machine” “I don’t want it now” “you didn’t tell my parents that you are looking for a maid” etc… Who about your plan Samy?
Samy: Me? Noooo? I am not gonna f**** myself up your way. I know how they think now in Egypt. I can’t tolerate that to just have the “submissive obedient wife” that you dream of buddy. I am gonna marry from here a beautiful girl of any race except Arab. A woman who is open minded. Who knows what the American life is, an amusing partner who shares me my success and together we grow bigger. A woman whose loyalty is to me not to her family in Egypt. I know the drawback of my choice. I know how women are in America, how vocal, confrontational and challenging. I know that they only do care when they want it even though she knows you want it more. Listen man, no woman on earth can give you what those girls in the massage shops do. So anyway it gonna end up by going there to have a real lubing and a good clean up, so I am expecting what I am going through. I really want kids. That is my only reason to seek marriage. You know how we live here and how everything and any service you want you can get it by a phone call. We are not missing anything except having kids and the family atmosphere
Samir: Here you go

el Fn? Kan Zamaan -3

This is how some women see themselves

Just spit it out. True or not?

What rationale behind that?

When the man is unfair to the woman we defend the woman with all possible means. When the woman is unfair to the man we just feel sympathy for him.
add your openion.