Friday, August 3, 2007

Right step but is it in a right time?

The Superior Islamic Consultant ( El Mofti, Shik Ali gom3ah) has announced last month that it is religiouly permitted for any Muslim to convert to any other religion ( despite what the Islamic law dictates) unless that person later hurt the Islam. Accordingly, Egyptian citizen Mahmoud Ahmed Hegazi ( 25 yo) has officially applied to the court to convert to Christianity him and his wife and their child and to change his papers, ID and manes to Christian ones. There has been also a great pressure to delete the Religion item in the National ID ( I absolutely agree with that). It is a Great democratic step but, was it done in the right time? isn't that a little premature to the Egyptian Muslim community? Does the Muslims in Egypt have achieved a high degree of social awareness to accept that?

Luxury of life is a relative thing

Advanced technology can be everywhere
it is just how advanced is the question

One of Those Priceless Moments in Life

What a Shame

I ran out of gas honey...and I have no money
I dont know what to do


You take a chance on me? Bastard