Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Aywa keda

He: ta3ali ba2ah
She: Ew3a keda
He: Ta3ali.. wa labsali bantalon fe odt el noom?
She:Ew3a enta ma fassa7tenesh el weekend el fat
He: Mana kont nabatshi
She: wana mali. Khalas el bab afal
He: Afal meen...ta3ali hena
She:Ew3a sebni 3ayza anam
He: enti 7a teshtaghalili
She: El baba affaaaallll...bokra...bokraaaa
He: Ahi talabet ba2ah... E2la3i el bantalon
She: Yamsebti!
He: Ana 3arfek...kol moddah te7ebi tettakhdi bel3afya...Wa malo
She: Enta mabtethaddesh abadan
He: howanti tool ma betsakhani feyya keda ana 7a ahmad abadan

I just love it

Don't ask me how the driver is seeing
Don't ask me in what Country
Don't ask me how all those are stuck on the train
Don't ask me how they stay like this for hours
Don't ask me how they arranged themselves this way
Don't ask me if one wants to pee what he gonna do
Don't ask me how those in the front will tolerate the horn
Don't ask me what the two little kids on the right are running after