Wednesday, November 21, 2007

I wish if one day the secret behind Farida Fahmi sudden disappearance becomes known

That is He and that is She

The man looks for the woman as he look for a car. He want it smooth, shiny, bright, no dimples or scratches, turns on from the first touch, easily turn right and left when he wants, high speed, good suspension to absorb the shocks. The woman look in the man for an opposing image. She looks at him like a train. She asks herself first. Is he stable? on a steady forward rails? straight? Is he spacious to accomodate her future kids? and most probably her mom too? and possibly all her family too? Is he local that stops in every small station, or express that stops only on big cities or non stop express that go directly to her dreams. She doesn't care if the surface has dimples or scratches. She doesn't want him to turn right or left. She wants him heading straight to her dream. That is the nature as God created it. However unfortunately these days the image got inverted. Men are trimming their eyebrows and women are burying their youth and beauty between the books to have a PhD.