Sunday, July 22, 2007

Instinct is Instinct

Bad Boy...


Anonymous said...

Come on now!
Show that you are a man
Just like you are trying to Show Zienobia

Her it is igen:

@DR SR: If you use some of those advises that you give Zeinobia you may be able to make your own blog slightly better. But I still don't expect that it will be interesting because of your sexual focus

By the way I left the same comment to you at Zienbia's blog!!

Anonymous said...

Yes you are simple!
too simple

G.Gar said...

Dr Sr.Please accept my deepest appology for te misunderstanding- but I guess you are now experiencing the geekish wanker who is too cowardly to reveal his name.

Please dear sir, check the folowing link- and forward to me an analyis of that creature:

He and She said...

To anon and ALL
I dont know what Advices to Zeinobia you talk about. I gave Zeinobia million advices ( lol).
Zeinobia is a serious young lady. Potential hard core Political analyser. When I open her blog I wear a suit and necktie, respect to her work. Unlike me. I am a causal funky boy.
I am not really looking for people to come commenting on my hilarious crazy short posts. The way I post makes nobody comes. I write in English about Arabic issues. I wirte Arabic in Enlish letter. I Comment on an Arabic picture in English. I comment on Eglish picture in Arabic sense, so basically neither the Arabic reader nor the English reader will enjoy it unless you are crazy English speaking Arabic guy like the blogger. Dont worry about people comming to my blog from France, Zambia or Kuala Lumpur. I dont care if I would be universally famous if my peer friends here in NY and some in Egypt are sharing my the laughter. Remember I am new here. it is just two weeks or so. I need to develop an identity.. I need time and exposure to others.
I have a belief that the joke that makes you laugh most- especially if you are not seen- is the sex joke. I dont talk about dirty stuff I am just making fun of sex matters. I am also not doing it for YOU, I just like to do it for ME. Make the joke at night to laugh at it in the morning. I am a busy person. I work from 8 am to 8 pm daily. My spare time is too precious to lose in writing a 5000 words post of even read a post that big. If I come across something like this I just skip it even if it is written by Zeinobia my favorite blogger.
YET, thank you all very much for taking the time to write to me. When Amre El Abyad, the first visitor to my new blog came to curse me I was so excited... Woohoo... somebody came ( to curse me!!) SMILE.

Anonymous said...

This is what I wanted from you: A man answer!
God luck with the blog

He and She said...

Anon dear. Answer for what. Be clear and specific please