Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Isn't that strange?

Today I woke up an hour early so I decided to make a big tour in all the Egyptian blogs that I can reach. Going from one blog to another. I discovered a strange phenomenon. There is no more the funny humorous attitude of the real Egyptians. There is no happiness or joy or satisfaction of self content or even hope. Most of the blogs, if not all, are either sad, angry, complaining, depressed, crying, tears, disappointed, hopeless. Specially the girls. What happened? We have always been living in the same circumstances. We all have problems wherever we live but we still find the moments of joy. Even if we dont see those moments we have to make it so that we can survive. Yes I agree that the blog is to express your true feeling and get it out of your chest whatever it is or maybe to say something you want to say that you can't say to the real people around you. All that is great but where is YOU " the self" in those overwhelming bad feelings. One must enjoy life in someway or another at least to survive. Well, I have my own problems too but I know how to find the moments to enjoy. I am not gonna make a big tour like this ever again.


Anonymous said...

The girls are depressed because they want to marry and it is hard in this cicumstances. The boys are happy because ma warahomsh gheer el sartana

He and She said...

I dont fully get what you mean buddy

Esmat said...

أما بالنسبة لما جاء في البلوج الخاص بك بحالة التأزم بين المصريين وافتقادهم لحس الفكاهة
هذا دليل على عدم انفصلنا عن مشاكل مصر وحبنا لها
والمشاركة الوجدانية لكل ماهر حادث فيها-
نبكى مع الذين يبكون هناك ونحزن مع الحزانة وكلما سمعنا عن مشكلة تحدث لأحد المصريين في مصر
نشعر أنها حدثت لنا وبما أن المشاكل كثرت في مصر بالتالي كمية حزننا ومعاناتنا زادت
من أين يأتي الفرح أو الفكاهة
من يفعل ذلك لابد أن يكون عزل نفسه عن مصر ومشكلاتها
وأصبح ما يراه بالنسبة له كأنه فيلم تليفزيوني تنتهي أحداثه بنهاية العرض
لا بالنسبة لنا لا تنتهي الأحداث بنهاية العرض
ولذلك ستجدنا مستمرين في أحزاننا وشكوانا حتى نصلح حال مصر
وأدعو الله أن يكون ذلك قريبا –

vagabondblogger said...

In none of the Egyptian blogs are the girls looking for men. As a matter of fact, most are political and some personal experience. Why is that any different from the angst expressed on non-Egyptian blogs? I just think some bloggers take themselves too seriously, plus the big movement now is with political issues - everywhere. Unfortunately they don't parody politics enough overseas, as they do in the U.S.

As for me, expat living in Cairo, I leave the Egyptian issues to the Egyptian bloggers, unless it's something like FGM, and then I mention it in my weekend roundup. Unless, it's something that really peaks my interest, I try to do posts that are a bit more humorous and somewhat self effacing and non-political.

Regardless, what ticks me off is when someone starts a blog and then after getting us all addicted to it, decides to take leave - without notification or reason why.

But, you are right - too many totally serious blogs. Not enough humor.

blackcairorose said...

(We have always been living in the same circumstances)

No He&she, we haven't. These last 10 years grabbed all the suffering, helplessness and despair in one hand like nothing before. Even in late sixties and after elnaksa people had some hope and some faith, but now they don't.

Don't you find that even the average Egyptian man in the street is less humourouse than he used legendary to be? No more lot of funny jokes.

If you really belive that these years as bad as any previous years (in the last 50 years as example) then I strongly disagree with you.

Girls are more depressed? Naturally cause they are more suppressed on many many levels.

Blogs are just a reflection of the general mood and that is why the Egyptian blogs might seem less homourous than blogs of others from more well off countries.

He and She said...

well, seems that that post set fire in my blog more than the all the " Tarawas" and " Fun" that I am killing myself to bring it to you. Fine, you wanna talk about the Nakad. right? you like it? then let us talk. First let me start with Vagabond. I didnt say that girls in the blogs are looking for men. That is very inappropriate. First I didnt notice it and if I did I will never bring it up because that is neither professional nor friendly. but generally I do like you. My blog is not my grievance place because many people might read it. Why should I keep my visitors down. Yes I can vent sometimes I can wine other times but oh come on please not every freaken post that is inordinate. It will be a stigma to my blog that I am Nekadi or Fa2ri.
Esmat and blackrose. I was not born in Paris, raised in Las Vegas or educated in London. I was among you just 10 years or more ago. Born and lived in Alexandria. I suffered more than you think. I suffered even more than your suffer now. I was a Doctor only by the title. No reasonable income nor prestige. I had sometimes to ride a donkey to go to Health unit that I was managing in Abo El Matameer. Donkey hah! and the farmers used to ask me bluntly like that " how come you are a Doctor and you dont have a car?" I lived 2 years in that place no clean water and no electricity.( please take time to think of this and enumerate what essential daily living needs I was denied). Thank God I was not lonely in that place. I had a HUge family of cockroaches and rats sharing me eating and sleeping and playing hide and seek. Even when I go back to my family in Alex every other weekend We was not eating quality meat like veal or quality fruits more than once a month because we can't afford it. My Dad was "wakeel wezara" by the way. Gradafather wealth was nationalised by Nassir. Dad wa arrrested and imprisoned for a year by Sadat regime. I am not a fragile spoiled brat boy as I look in the blog. Behind that is a strong tough man whose Country politics and economics forced him to drink gallons of bitterness and fill glasses of tears. But I have to make the fun, find the pleasure and create the laughter so I can enjoy my life. You didnt convince me ladies. I am still insisting that Most of the Egyptian bloggers are only filling there blogs with EXTRA Nakad, grievances, complaints, loss, unhappiness, dissatisfaction, disappoitment, fear and all the thesaurus of those words that you can find in the dictionary.

vagabondblogger said...

he & she: My apologies. My comment about girls looking for men should have been prefaced with an address to "anonymous". Sorry about the confusion, that's my fault.

He and She said...

I dont get it Vagabond. do you mean you should post your comment as anonymous? Why? If there is something went wrong please let me know in my perosnal email

vagabondblogger said...

No, "anonymous" said, The girls are depressed because they want to marry and it is hard in this cicumstances. The boys are happy because ma warahomsh gheer el sartana." And I was replying to his (it's obviously a male) statement and you thought I was referring to you. okay?

Sorry, again for the confusion.

He and She said...

Vivi , I got ya, Thanks. Anyway he never come back to explain what did he mean