Wednesday, August 22, 2007

La Ellah Ella Allah - Can you believe the americans believe and broadcast something like this.

and that too


Nani said...

slam alikm
May Allah help us all
I don't blame only them for making such rude & vulgar cartoons,
It's our fault that we gave them a lot of ammunition and wrong ideas about who we are and how live

He and She said...

I really really enjoyed it and I laughed a lot on all the video. it shows the real life there in a very sarcastic way but when the boy turned into the PropheT with the same scenario that Happened with the Prophet BRUH, all my admiration was torn down. That is not something one can make fun of. The problem is that they don't know our red lines

Nani said...

slam alikm
yes they do. thats y they make fun of it. SOB