Monday, August 20, 2007

Saudi woman drinking.. probably beer


Anonymous said...

Ya ragel. Dah Gen with Tonic. el beera 7aram fel Saudia

Anonymous said...

Saudia Arabia and Afghanistan are the only 2 Countries I guess where women are required to wear a burqa. it is just a little too much and surely makes daily life hard and messy. Haidy

He and She said...

I guess Yemen too
welcome haidy

Nani said...

No dear its not beer or gen & tonic, it's their favorite baby cologne... couple of years ago there had been cologne poisoning many ppl(and i mean MEN)drank too much of it. That the government forbid all cologne import
You can see women faces in Yemen but not at the tribal areas

He and She said...

Oh my God. they drink eau de colonge? I never heard about that or even came to my imagination. That is toxic because the alcohol used in perfumes and as antispetic are synthetic alcohol not natural alcohol. That is really crazy.
Thank you Nani for coming to visit me