Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Showwayet Tarawa Ba2a- Some cool stuff -2

I pay $10 to know the name of this Lebanese dancer. She is my second favorite after Dina Gamal. She performs with the same skills that I like in belly dancing. The fine seductive smiles, gestures and physical energy. Not the vulgarity, not the choreography, not the custom, not the nudity and not the cheapness. The classy belly dancer never look cheap or vulgar. Belly dancing is a fine art especially if the dancer is a quality.


R.O.U.R.O.U. said...

so coooooool:)

Anonymous said...

Safwat, I love you. Straight forward like that. Yes officially I am a married woman but I dont mind.... you know? I dont mind anything in you, your age, your location, how you look like, your religion, or if you are married or not. I love you as is. I admit it. I feel for you. I have been coming to your blog twice a day for a month now, never wanted to leave or show up until I am sure of my crazy feeling. Everyday my feeling to you was getting stronger until it reached a point where I cant hide it. I'm not going to kill myself to hide it if I need it. I dont care what you will say about me. I dont care what the others will think of me. I dont care about anything else but getting close to you at the emotoinal level. I see in you the wild geinune Egyptian boy like Roshdi Abaza, Hassan Youseff and Ahmed Ramzi. The boy that the woman can't resist to fall in love with but scared to do. Yes you are wild and scary. I guess that why despite your hilarious posts people are hesitant to comment or even show up here though surely they regularly come. I know that for sure. you are like the drug that kicks into the brain and heart but people refrian from admitting its addiction. I am not the only or first or last married woman to fall in love nor I am after marrying another man. I just love you and it is not a mere love. It is a passion. I need to see your face. I need to speak with you on the phone or in a massenger. I need it man. It is just that empty space inside of me that I want you to fill. whatever is your response I will respect it but you cant stop me from coming here and partially own you as a lover. If you agree to occupy that space inside me and respect my true feelings toward you then I would provide you with my phone number in Cairo and my yahoo messenger ID to your private email, so at least we can chat and we go from there. Heba

Anonymous said...

I came in the wrong time

He and She said...

Madam Heba
Lekol makam makal
this is a public domain

Anonymous said...

The name is Maya Abi Saad...and you can keep the $10.

He and She said...

well Anon, first thanks for comming to visit my blog and thanks more for the info. but that to confirm and request her videos. Is the name Maya Abi Saad or Abo said? the first is not musical to the arabic ear. I am guessing she might be Turkish. They have very hot dancers there