Friday, September 7, 2007

Bill Maher making fun of fiminism


Nani said...

slam alikm
oh my god tha was funnny!

He and She said...

The issue and complexity of feminism in USA is horrible, horrible, and the stupid women do not admit the consequences. Here is the consequences. The white american man is now going to south asia to find the descent traditional wife. It became so common here to see many couples here, he is American and she is Asian. Many men turned to guys and now they are fighting for legalizing the same sex marriage and the American woman is still in a phase of denial and illusion. By the time they will wake up it would be too late

Anonymous said...

The funniest thing I heard lately is that feminists are so angry on pornography because it makes men enjoy masturbation more by seeing nakes women. So basically in their views, men must pay something to funny isn't it? Shahenaz, Lebanon

He and She said...

it is not only funny, it is sad that the hate reached that level.
Thanks for visiting Shahenaz

Nani said...

slam alikm
you know what is the horribal thing is?
women here imitate them, which is totaly wrong in my opinion.
we have culture & traditions that does't fit with american feminism.
we took the most bad things from them and forgot the best of us!

He and She said...

The problem is that, unlike the american law, Our laws allow the man who is challenged by a feminist wife to tell her immediately the most horrible two words" Enti Tale2" then the regret comes