She: Hi, how was your day
He: Same, how was yours
She: Well. I am overwhelmed. All the responsibilities on me since I am the chief of the department. All the lazy men there don’t want to move there butt and do the work the way I want. Everyday I report one of them. What happened is...... then I did......After that, I did...........
He: Are you done?
She: Done of what?
He: Talking about your work and responsibilities and how great you are
She: Are you jealous or something?
He: Jealous of what?
She: By the way, I have good news. They chose me to travel to France to take a paid advanced course of system administration. Of course when I come back they will put me in a higher position.
He: Great! Am I going with you? It might be a good chance for us to have another honeymoon
She: That is not a picnic. It’s a business travel
He: oh, let me think of it
She: Think of what? It is my career. Do you want to stop my career?
He: Let us talk about it later. Come, get closer. Let us get it on. I missed you
She: Nnooww? I just came back from work tired and sleepy
He: So what. I am in your same situation. Do you want me to make you a cup of coffee?
She: Why don’t you treat me like a woman? Like a human. I am not a fridge that you can open it at any time to drink some cold water whenever you feel thirsty.
He: Fine, you tell me, whom am I gonna go to when I feel sexually thirsty? Aren’t you my wife?
She: You talk like a horney teenager. We are not young. You should be able to control yourself until it is the proper time. I am tired, tired. What do you expect me to say?
He: You mean I should control myself or masturbate like kids until you announce it is a proper time for you.
She: Well, when you married me, you married a career woman not a dumb house wife and you have to be understanding to my conditions
He: Was it my mistake that I married a bright professional career woman?
She: Honey, go take a cold shower and go to sleep. When you wake up you will forget it.
He went back home at mid-day
Maid: Ahlan ya sidi. Mosh be3ada ya3ni terga3 badri keda. Are you OK?
He: I am fine. I am so great. Enti ezzayek. Ana 3aref shoghl el beat keteer 3aliki
Maid: Abadan ya sidi. Ta3abkom ra7ah. Da akl 3eshi
He: Ta3ali bas erta7i showayya 3al kanaba ganbi
Maid: Ma3ool ya baih. Ma yesa77esh
He: Ta3li bass ta3aaalllliiiii (he pulls her)
Maid: La ya baih, ya lahwi, sebni ya baih. Ana mosh khaddama. Ana house keeper wa ma3aya bakaloryous.
He: Mana mo3gab beeki 3alashan keda (he hugs her and grab her boob)
Maid: yalahwi. Law meratak 3erfet 7a te2telna e7na letnean
He: Wa meen 7a y olaha bas? mahi mashghoola fe shoghlaha
Maid: La ya baih abadan. Da sharafi. Howana 3alashan mettala2ah?
He: Khoddi el 200 geneih doul eshtereelek fostan gedeed
Maid: La2 ya baih. Layomken ya baih. 3aib ya baih. Mosh keda ya baih. Ekhs 3alek ya baih. Ya we7esh ya baih.. ahhhhhh.
The system worked perfectly for He and She and the maid. Now everybody is happy.
Few months later...
He: We need to sit together. There is a problem that came up. We need to discuss it in a democratic civilized way like two professional people
She: Sure, I am always a professional woman. Whatzup
He: el khaddama 7amel
She: what? We7na malna?
He: elkhaddama 7amel menni
She: Yanhar abook esweed. Khaleft men el khaddama abl ma te khallef men meratak? Nemt ma3a khaddamti ya wati?
He: Ekhrasi. The maid gave me what you couldn’t give. The maid cared for me like a real wife. The maid was waiting for me to come home. The maid was beautifying for me. The maid never said she is tired. The maid always says that I am still young. The maid never bothered me with her shit work while she is with me in bed. Ya hanem… enti take2…tale2….tale2. I won’t even accept you as a second wife. You was a wrong choice from the beginning
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its a joke that make us cry not just laugh as it happens a lot now
It does make sense... Hurm. Anyways.. Are you using Arabics? Heheh
i assumed that is the post you want me to see...
it is true i cant deny that!
i don't agree with her attitude!!!
and i don't agree with his !!
but that raise a question?!
what do really men want? wives or maid, or a wife in the disguise of a maid?
men want care and satisfaction...
and who doesn't?
it is the simple human right
i just dont want you to fall in the generalization trap... not because there are wrong practices for equality, this means it is wrong.
as i said in my last post
a real woman is the one who conserve her femininity, know her duties and rights, and seek her freedom ... else are applying the concept "حافظ مش فاهم"
nice post, hope for more, as i see it very interesting to see men point of view in such critical daily life issues
انت بتتكلم عن البيوت المصرية والعربية بس على فكرة
دة مش موجود الا فى الشرق بس
لكن فى الغرب أعتقد جداااااا وحسب ما تابعت
أن الغربيات متفرقش معاهم مسألة الشغل والحياة الزوجية
ممكن تنشغل لكن مش تنشغل عن زوجها ومتطلباته الطبيعية ابداااااااااا
لأنها نفس متطلباتها الطبيعية بالمثل
و لأنهم ينظرون للجنس على انه ضرورة حيوية زى الأكل والشرب بالضبط
لكن عندنا
بما ان الجنس فى مفهومنا عيب واختشى يا راجل وعيب على شعرك الابيض وانت مش صغير
فنظرة الشرقيين له كأنه ذنب يرتكب فى الخفاء
فالمرأة بتلهى نفسها فى العمل وشغل البيت وتربية العيال... ولا تهتم لمطالب السبع اللى فى البيت
ومش فاهمة برضة لحد دلوقتى الست فى الشرق اللى بتمنع زوجها الحق دة او بتستكتره عليه
بتزعل لية بقا لما بسلامته يشترى من برة؟؟؟؟؟
وتاخدها الكرامة والعزة وتعمل فيها الملكة بلقيس
طيب ماهو العيب منك انتى
مدورتيش لية فى نفسك على الخلل لية؟؟
ستات لا بترحم ولا بتسيب رحمة ربنا تنزل
أجمل حاجة فى بوستاتك
انها بتتكلم عن هو وهى
وفعلا هى دى حياة هو وهى
بس يا ابنى بشويش علينا
مش بألاحق الجديد عندك
انت كل يوم تقريبا ببوست جديد
I think the Maid could make him happy because of two things. First she has more available time. Second she has the chance to naturally respond to his care ( the new dress ) . I don’t think if He and She are both making 3000 LE a month it would be a big thing to her that He gives her 200LE to buy a dress. If I would personally be asked that question I would prefer that my wife works a part time easy job, though financially I don’t need it. She will have time for us. She won’t be physically tired all the time. She will be happy when I give her a gift that she can’t afford and at the same time she is enjoying her career, investing her education and have a moderate economic independence. I think the woman can kill herself at work but once she got married and possibly would have children then she should consider her marriage is her second more important job.. I guess that is holding the stick from the middle. Dr Bahi, Lebanon
In that specific scenario. I understand Her but I am not sympathetic with her situation. She is a professional woman who gets all the pleasure of her life from her achievement at work. The home for her became a place to sleep with a companion. The elation she got from her work made her forgot her family obligations. Of course I feel her. I understand He too but I am not accepting what he did. Before He takes that step (sleeping with his maid) there are many phases that they should passed through together to correct the situation to avoid this devastating end
Welcome EmY, Yes I did feel the way you felt. I cried for both. 7aga te7zen
Welcome Nono. That happen in every house my dear where the man and the woman have those equally shared things I wrote in the post title and there is no way to avoid it. I am sorry dear. I will try to minimize my Arabic words but a smart young lady like you can figure out what she is missing.
Welcome Miss Egyptiana. You asked a question that was answered long ago “what men really want?” and the answer is known by many. The man wants a woman who is Lady in public, Cook in the kitchen and Whore in bed” . Most of the women now are Lady in public, Lady in the kitchen and Lady in bed, because now they are highly educated career women. Actually the Arabic woman doesn’t even know what the Whore does for the man in bed. She even barely enters the kitchen in the weekends. Did you get what I mean now Miss Egyptiana? The quality of the woman changed
Shahrosa? Yade el hana yade el fara7. I announced it in the New York times on the front page ( Shahroosa visited He and She in NY today” . Ya salam ya shahroos. You read what is in the man’s mind. Aryani wallahi. You analyzed the problem the best possible way. I wish all the Egyptian girls read your comment. Once the man has two white hairs she says it to him” 3aib 3aleek, enta mosh soghayyar”
Homma ekhtara3o el Viagra men olayyel? Maho men e7batat el set.
Welcome Dr Bahi. I absolutely agree with you but where the Arabic woman can find a part time job. At least not in Egypt maybe you have it in Lebanon. Also the Egyptian woman still thinking that every pound more in the family income will secure more happiness which is wrong and then happens what happened
Welcome Viewpoint. You comment is great, but that makes a sharp line between the professional career woman and her family stability. I understand you point and it is to some degree right. I also agree with you the HE could speak with SHE before he rush to that destroying step
Regular Arabic women responses when the man tell her what makes him happy are like that,“ Enta magnoon? I can’t say that. I can’t even get those words out of my mouth. I am a well raised woman.” , “ I can’t move around at home with see through clothes the way you want. You would make me feel like a dirty slut. That shuts all my feelings down” , “ How dare you ask me to do you things like that I am not a whore. I came from a good family. I am a respectful educated woman”, “ You got to abandon those fantasies. No respectful woman is required to do that with her husband” etc........... In the kitchen as follow “ Hey I never cooked in my parents house, I was studying. What do you expect from me?” “ Modern professional people now are eating take away food, Burger, Pizza, things like that, I don’t have time or experience to cook the food that your mom used to do, wake up, the world has changed” etc….
القصة دى زى ما تكون من حكايات ألف ليلة وليلة
هو فى كدة أصلا
الست ترفض الفراش فقط اذا كانت متضايقة من الراجل
وكل ما الست تبقى ليها شغل وتحس بالتقدير بتتدور على حاجاتها بنفسها وتروح تطلب وتقول انا عايزاك
لكن مهما كانت مستواها منخفض أو حتى خدامة مش ممكن تجرى على السرير لو فى مشاكل الا لو كان فى مصلحة زى المتين جنيه بتوع الفستان
هو الراجل عايز بس يشترى واحدة تقوله حاضر ولا عايز واحدة عايزاه بجد؟؟؟
خدها حكمة منى ويا تصدق يا ماتصدقش
الست طول ما هى بتحب الراجل مش ممكن ترفضه فى السرير أبدا بل انها تغضب اذا لم يطلبها للفراش عدة ايام
Anon. Wallahi sometimes what you said is true. I kept laughing at your style. so sarcastic. Thanks for your comment.
Yasmin, I appreciate that you responded to my invitation. You said you are a social and marital expert. I wonder how come you say that. SHE is mentally overwhelmed by the troubles of her work and her career ambitions and physically SHE is ta3bana...morhaka....Ta3baaaaanah. In this condition HE should treat her like human and leave her to sleep and at that specific situation I agree with HER.
الست ترفض الفراش فقط اذا كانت متضايقة من الراجل
That is not exactly true Yasmin. The women refuses it in many conditions: When she is sick, when she is exhausted, when she has the period, when she is sad about her dying father, when she is worried about her son's illness etc...I am not a woman but I am telling you, if the woman is not in a good mental and physical condition she can not achieve an orgasm not like the man who can achieve it even if he has fever and his mother is dying and tomorrow he will go to jail. None of that matters if he has the urge. HE is not an animal but what I mean is that his toleralnce and patience in this matter is very small. He can't wait long like HER.That is biology by the way.
هو الراجل عايز بس يشترى واحدة تقوله حاضر ولا عايز واحدة عايزاه بجد؟؟؟
3ayez wa7da te2ollo 7ader first and in 5 minutes HE is able make her wants him begad. That is a fact. Any experienced SHE knows that HE can turn her on in 5 minutes if SHE gave him the chance. That applies for any HE and any SHE. Thank you Yasmin. It was really nice of you to care to come and add your openion. I would love to hear your openion in the future too
Justone question He&she:
What are you doing ya ebny in Afghanistan?!!
Blackcairorose. Ahlan. It has been a long time. How are you.
Your commment seens it that has a big joke behind it, I didnt get it. Please come again and explain it so I can laugh. Thanks dear
كل اللى انت قلته عن الرجال مش هناقشك فيه رغم انه غلط برضه
لكن كل ما تقوله عن النساء وكل ما تعرفه عنهم خطأ ثم خطأ ثم خطأ
يبدو أن الرجال يجمعون معلوماتهم عن المرأة من أى جهة أو شخص غير المرأة نفسها
والعجيب ان لما الست تتكلم عن نفسها وتقول برضه مش مصدقين وبتناقشوا
تحياتى لك
Yasmin, Ana ghaltan
i agree with yasmine...
seems you have been misinformed about women dear ... and i mean by that real women!!!
and again you fall in the trap of generalization ...
so a man wants a Lady, a Cook, and a Whore!! interesting ... and how he will meet that, will he be a gentleman, help at the house, and give satisfaction in bed?
how is Ramadan in Afghanistan?? LOL
aaaah i need Panadol Actifast
So what is the moral of the story?? that guys like to have house wife rather then any career women?? Women shouldn't be having career?? though personally i m a domestic girl n i m not career oriented at all but i have seen many women who get into work n all just for the sake of their families coz their hubbys couldn't bring much to ful fil the family requirements then in such cases who should understand?? or who is wrong??
Anyhow it was really a nice though provoking post i m must say, thanks for sharing :)
Take care
Yasmine & Egyptiana. I claim I am a democratic man. This means if somebody said something that sound wrong to me then I shouldn't believe it, but if two said the same thing then I am wrong and I have to change my mind. Yasmin said "the woman refuses the intimate relation ONLY when she is annoyed from the man" and I said" That is not true she might refuses in many other conditions including when she has her mesis" Yasmin answered that is " WRONG WRONG, WRONG" Then Egyptiana came and generally supported Yasmine point of view. Then I have to admit. I am sorry,I had the wrong idea. Yes women today enjoy sex even during their mesis if they are not annoyed from ther men. Thanks for supportive info Egyptiana. Without a second openion I would never believe it.
Samrina. Thanks for coming and commenting. That is really nice of you. My dear, what is meant by a career woman is the woman whose career is her life, her main concern like those ladies who pursue more and more advanced education and academic degrees just for achieving higher position which expectedly will take time and attention from her family. That is not including the girls who pursued a college degree like the majority and find a regular job to support her family. There is a big difference in the work responsibilities and life style of a school teacher and an associate Professor in the University. There is a differnce between a female accountant and a reseach coordinator at a multinational economic reseach firm. A career person is the person who never stop pursuing higher academic achievement. having a job is not the issue here
salm alikm
one day i'll know the secret between you and maids!
You wrote in the location space: New York & Afghanistan. Didn't you.
It seemes it is you who meant it a joke then!
black rosa where in that location dawwakhtini. I don't see it
Nani. I am not idiot to do it like HE. I will sit with you more than once to explain what might happen firstm then?....
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