Saturday, September 15, 2007

Fair look at nature

Here how it looks. Women have something that men intensely need. However men have nothing that women intelsely need in return. Men without women live shorter and miserable. Women without men live longer and happier. Men need to survive a balanced life. With no available substitutes and barely any alternatives men have to fight to make women also in need. Women call that male domination and female degradation. The role says the one who doesn't need dominates and the one who needs submits. However from the beginning of life nature gave the woman inborn domination without any effort. It is the man who needs to make a huge effort to just balance the domination equation. He has to fight to limit her ability of independecy meanwhile be her available source of satisfaction. Sounds fair, isn't it?


Polka Dotted said...

cant argue more...bas i have a comment abt the main picture of ur blog..the one on the top right...mesh el etnen regalla ?:D well i think so !!

He and She said...

Thank you that you dont argue, you are a fair lady. Regarding the picture, if you have a man's eyes you would tell from the ass contours who is a man and who is a woman.Let me tell you this fact. The man has a Radar that reads the curves and contours perfectly. The woman has a Radar that detects the man's intentions perfectly. So dont worry, if you caught me looking you will know my intentions

جوستيـن said...

sa7 keda

Polka Dotted said...

but u should've picked one with a better ass then :D LOL

He and She said...

batabeet, I really laughted at your comment. You are totally right, but the sad thing is that all western women have flat butts even if they are over weight. it is just the shape always flat. That is why I didnt marry yet. lol. I promise you that this weekend I will look for another pic

Just Me said...

i like this post, maybe cause it is realistic in many ways,,, but i love the balance in my relationship ... i dominate in things, he dominates in others...

each of us know in which he/she is better than the other...

the equation is easy
sensuality+sexuality+understanding+emotions+care+share= balanced relation :D

He and She said...

You and Me, dont worry to increase your power by other things . You naturally have the Most fatally dominating power on earth after the nuclear power