Sunday, September 23, 2007

Happy life is not a matter of chance. It is a matter of good choices

She: Boss ya sidi. Next weekend we will go to Disney land in Orlando. I already made all the reservations. The following Saturday you have your CME conference at Jacob Javits Center and I have to go to the Dentist to complete my root canal. We will meet at 6pm in Penn Station so we can take a nice dinner in the City. On Sunday we have to go to Jersey to attend Manal wa Sherif wedding. I already booked the flowers and bought them a gift. The following Saturday we have appointment at the Infiniti dealer to buy me the new car that you promised me. On Sunday we will go to Doctor Maher and Maha house for their daughter's birthday party. I already bought her a gift. Next Saturday we will relax because the following Sunday we will take the plane to Egypt to spend our two weeks vacation. I counted all our friends and relatives and bought each a suitable gift. aih ra2yak ba2ah?
He: oh honey. You made my life so comfortable, enjoyable and organized. I don't know how I was living before .


F. said...

Salam and hye to you!
Nice blog you have... You are truly enchanted by the reality of life; men and women. To me, it is cute, funny and crazy but so so COOL! Hahha..

Your readers from Malaysia. :-)

Polka Dotted said...

tab wennaby kalemhaly ta7'odny m3aha disney land...
aw 7ata tegebly a suitable gift :D

He and She said...

You can be in her place batabeet. You never know the future. You are not missing something. I am sure your man will be that great because you are great

Polka Dotted said...

ohhhhhh that's so sweet !

Viewpoint said...

I wish