Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Look at that

Look at that comfort and luxury. Orange juice then croissant with tea while reading the newspaper in a relaxing mood. The lunch is cooked on the stove. After that get dressed, drive the car, go for food shopping , meet fiends and go to the mall to see what is new. Come back home, water the flowers, do some phone calls with friends, answer some emails, browse e-bay then do some gym or swim in the pool and finally relax in the living room watching the TV until the husband comes. That is not the routine forver. Few years and there will be two children playing allover the place and filling the house with crazy fun. Who is the woman who leave that and look for a job?


Egypt Rose said...

I do

Polka Dotted said...

I will not look for children then :D
saneyan meen 3andena hena byeftar keda?:D fen el fol wel ta3meya wel 3esh el balady w kemeney el akl el raheeb eli 3al fetar zai el open buffet (i mean normal breakfast mesh ramadan's)
I wanna relax keda inshalla esboo3..and the more relaxation : no husband :D

He and She said...

I understand you Egypt rose

He and She said...

Batabeet, don,t you like to have a husband or kids? Ew3i tekoni ragel ya batabeet

Polka Dotted said...

hehehe la2 mesh ragel
i would like to have a husband and kids sometime... however relaxation is the best
if some husband who will cooperate and tolerate my "tana7a w kasal" I will be greatful
and quite kids who only need few things..mmm..i'll think abt it

He and She said...

Batabeet, if you will pay the train ticket ( see previous post) you will get what you want