Tuesday, September 18, 2007

My dreams are not that much

My dreams are not that much. I want to graduate from the college like all my friends. I want a good job like Mona's job. I want to find a good man, rich, young and good looking who loves me too much like Nani's husband. I want to have a big two levels house that has everything up to date like Seham's house. I want another summer house in the North Coast like Heba. I want a sport car like Ghada's car. I want endless money in the bank to buy all the clothes I want like Eman. I want to have three kids, two boys and one girl like Salwa. I want to spend Ramadan in Dubai like Fatma and the Christmas in France like Mary. I want a maid, a cook and someone to wake me up


vagabondblogger said...


That's not too much to ask for, is it?

Nani said...

slam alikm
nsit el7mar eli 7idf3 bdl kl dh

He and She said...

Vivi, of course that it not too much. they are just humble dreams specially she didnt ask for an aircraft like Sussane, yacht like Cathy or an island like Petty
Nani, I didnt forget. it is her third wish

Lasto-adri *Blue* said...

not all women think this way, exactly like some men do!

there is no harm in dreaming for a better future..

He and She said...

Ahlan Miss Blue. My first time to see you around. it is my pleasure. In fact there is a great harm. When someone dreams of things that are hard to come true it leaves him so frustrated and adds to the stress inside him while when one dreams of things he can reach and prioritize his dreams one at a time he will be contented when he makes them come true

Polka Dotted said...

I do have same dreams..bas i dunno heba w ghada w eman w seham :D so I will choose my own people