Sunday, September 9, 2007

Ok, here is the set up

Two women had a mouse in their home. The smart idea is to intoxicate the mouse first then get rid of it. The first step was done good and the mouse in now dying. Now the stupid idea comes. How to get rid of the mouse. One woman will push the mouse with a broom and the other woman will receive the mouse in a bucket. Here is what happened.


Nani said...

slam alikm
i have seen it b4, its reallly funny
i think the mouse planed it perfectly, play die to get

He and She said...

hahahahahaha, you are funny Nani. You remind me of the great comedy play " El Dabbor"

Polka Dotted said...

LOOOOOOOL i havent laughed this much in a while :D
shoft el far kn beyboselha b este7kar ezay ama nezel w kanet betsawat? "enty 3abeta wala eh ?!!!"