Wednesday, September 19, 2007


A request to all my friends. Please if you have an Arabic keyboard use it. I love to read Arabic and I can receive it clear on my monitor OR write in English and most of you are great in English. I only use Arabic in English letter because I dont have an Arabic keyboard and only in those circumstances where I have no option but not as a rule. It takes too much of the fun to read Arabic in English letters. You might also write few words that way inside an English text if necessary but not the whole comment.
Thanks, I love you all.


Polka Dotted said...

well I cant type arabic arabic keys..hopefully soon
and sometimes u need to get some expressions out in arabic bla bla
well from my side... im sorry.. i'll try to keep it down

Lasto-adri *Blue* said...

la2 la2 la2.... mataf2nash 3ala keda
ana a7ot comment as i like ba2a :P arabo frencho englais...

7ader i will ;)

He and She said...

La2..La2..La2, enti bas ya Blue, I am gonna hire a translator for you. Don't you see hoe dear you are? My blog is almost all in BLUE. Enti bezz-att tortoni b A2i logha

He and She said...

I know all of you are saying that I am wad awantagi

Nani said...

slam alikm
so english it is...