Thursday, September 6, 2007

This is how some women see themselves

Just spit it out. True or not?


Anonymous said...

ya and if you want to be always a good man ( mardi 3annak) you must post this picture over your bed and let her see you praying for it 5 times a day. Dont forget she MUST see you praying for her and acknowledging her sacrifice or your prayer will be useless. Same7

Anonymous said...

We do sacrifice more than the men. is that questionable? Inas el Wasimi

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

That is VERY true. Ihab Ref3at, married and suffering from that

Nani said...

slam alikm
i do't agree on the picture coz it mocke Jesus suffring- as muslim he never ben in the cross but since christens belive in it i respect it.
working hard or suffering is an individual thing,
i really hate it when women act this way,
stand up, stop wailing & nagging live your life enjoy it and love your man,protect your children

He and She said...

Guys, wecome to you all
Same7,Your advise is funny but sometimes right.
Inas el Wasimi. oh come on, give me a break.
Ihab. I pray for you, listen to Same7 advise.. lol.
Nani. Oh come on, dont be that concrete. it is symbolic picture no more. If you are that rigid you shouldnt say " Jesus" that word is not recognized by Muslims. He is" The Christ, Isa ben Mariam". how is that? similar rigid thinking, right?