Saturday, October 27, 2007

The dilemma of being a woman

From the beginning of life to now to the end of the world the woman will be a symbol. A symbol of beauty, youth, compassion, care, love, serenity, obedience, patience, submission and million other things that finely detail that symbol. However among those details the woman knows that the gate to her happiness starts from her physical beauty. All the doors easily opened for the pretty young woman. The dream man always looks first for the pretty young woman. Among her peers the good jobs are taken by the pretty young woman. Beauty always comes first. It is the permit, the pass, the ticket then later the audient look for other things. Beauty is not the skin color or the eyes’ color or the smile or the gait style or the body proportions. The woman’s beauty is a pleasant feeling that the observer man feels. That feeling initiates an intense desire into the man to approach and have that woman. It is a challenge. Unfair challenge to every woman and every woman knows that, though some deny and argue. It is unfair because not every woman has the same inborn level of physical beauty and the one that has less level needs to expose more. Humiliating right?. One might know a wonderful woman, educated, sweet, compassionate, loving and has many personal potentials that qualify her to be a happy, pleasing successful life partner but can not find her chance. On the other hand the appealing woman might have a lot of bad things but her beauty always support her. That is the Magnet. Not necessarily a magnet to have a husband. It is sometimes the magnet to find a job; to survive. I am not going to talk about the know-how. Every girl knows what things make the woman physically appealing that is not the point. The point is the frustration every girl feels since her age of awareness. The splitting of herself that she has to live all her life. One fights to develop herself as a good person and the other fights to be physically attracting to catch the train.


اسكندراني اوي said...

اعتقد ان كلامك صحيح لحد كبير

Nani said...

slam alikm
(a wonderful woman, educated, sweet, compassionate, loving and has many personal potentials that qualify her to be a happy, pleasing successful life partner but can not find her chance)
thats me...
and probably will never find that chance

Egyptiana Trapped Soul said...

what a shallow world we live in :)
it is nice to find a man who admits that they are first attracted to physical beauty, mostly they like to play mr. deep

beauty come from inside... and any woman can be beautiful if she wanna and know the road to her femininity

finally, obedience, patience, submission .... give me a break !!!

it is not that i encourage the current nonsense that women like to adopt... bas a woman has to has her personality and opinion and special touch...

He and She said...

Is all what you get from the post is that i live in a shalow world and my writting is nonesense? Dont forget to add rudeness to the criteria you have for the good woman, Miss woman

Egyptiana Trapped Soul said...

Dear he and she

i respect your writing even if they seem little unusual, and what i meant is that men usually look at women from a physical point of view, which i consider shallow

and rudness is not at all a quality of a good woman, to the contrary .. a woman has to be gentle and use good words

anyway, i am sorry if my words offended you, maybe i misused some terms, i will take care next time

be well