Wednesday, October 17, 2007

She tries all possible means just to trap him


Nani said...

السلام عليكم
اديني عنوان الي عمل كل الحجات دي
اصلي الخاطبة عاوزة صورة مني

simple girl.. ..simple dream said...

what's ur point? why u posted this video?
so, she enhances her pic wz photoshop, what's the big deal

He and She said...

The big deal ya set Simple is that women does anything to attact the man attention. We don't do anything in ourselves to attract your attention ladies. right?

simple girl.. ..simple dream said...

ya ragel
what about the amino shots?!

He and She said...

aih el Amino shots de ya anesa? Olili maybe it help me to attract a woman

simple girl.. ..simple dream said...

ياخويا خير اللهم يجعله خير
بياخدوا حقن فيها
amino acids
قال ايه عشان تعملهم عضلات

He and She said...

hahaha, tb mana already 3andi 3adalat. 3amalitli aih ya3ni. mana lessa wa7dani