Monday, October 8, 2007

You tell me

God is fair or supposed to be fair, right? God created us equal or he supposely doing that, right. A big evidence of His fairness and equality that he will judge us based on the same tests. Don't kill; Don't steal; Don't commit adultry; Dont lie etc. We will all be equally asked for that. Now come that confusing question. How come you examine people with the same tests while they were not created the same. Some people are born rich who would less likely steal while those who were born poor are more liable to fail in that. Pretty people have more luck and treated better than those who were born ugly. People who were born agressive are more likely to commit a murder than those who were born serene. The rich will more likely marry young so are less likely to commit adultry than those poor who fight all there lives to financially qualify for marriage. Of course the poor is more likely to commit adultry. Rich people more likely to live in a separate home when they marry. Poor people are more likely to marry inside the parents' home and face situations of friction that ends in lying, stealing, cheating, fighting and the rest of those endless horrible consequences. Second point, God considers the man and the woman are equal ( supposed to) yet He never sent one female prophet. What the female is lacking to be a prophet?
Third point; The criminal law in and Country has progessivly severer punishment for the same crime according to the circumstances. Example are 4th degree murder, 3rd degree murder, 2nd degree murder or 1st degree murder.Then you tell me how we gonna be judged equaly based on our performance in same tests if we are not created the same nor lived in the same circumstances?


Viewpoint said...

I agree. I am sure that Ahhah sob7anaho wa ta3ala will ask us individually according to each one's circumstances because also some people die young and some people die old. I guess what was mentioned in the Koran or even the other Hody books are just outlines of the judgement not the details

Anonymous said...

tab3an, It can not be a sharp line between Ganna and Nar. There must be a gray zone in between