Wednesday, November 14, 2007

I just love it

Don't ask me how the driver is seeing
Don't ask me in what Country
Don't ask me how all those are stuck on the train
Don't ask me how they stay like this for hours
Don't ask me how they arranged themselves this way
Don't ask me if one wants to pee what he gonna do
Don't ask me how those in the front will tolerate the horn
Don't ask me what the two little kids on the right are running after


اسكندراني اوي said...

that is craaaaaaaaaaaaaazy

اسكندراني اوي said...

may i ask u why u stoped posting in

He and She said...

ahlan beek
I stopped posting because:
1- The pictures I posted covers all parts of Alexandria
2- Because no one Eskandarani wa7ed cared to add a comment of mention any of his memories on one of the pictures. So I kept the blog for myself and what is posted satisfies me

Nani said...

slam alikm
i know that this train is in pakistan...

but wher is the women section

Bella said...


حلو قوي

عاجبني سؤال ناني

فعلا صحيح

فين عربية الستات؟؟


على فكرة انا مش اسكندرانية
لكن بتعجبني قوي قوي مدونتك عن اسكندرية
وباروح امتع عينية فيها

بس للاسف معنديش ذكريات فيها علشان اقولها

He and She said...

El setat shaghleen all the inside, wakhdeen kol el karasi wa a3deen fel takeef. shofto el zolm

blackcairorose said...

I like the photo too, but who told you the train is/would be/could be/ should be moving? It seems to me as if the train was just stopping there and people climbed up to be able to better watch some parade or show overthere.
Well, or this is what I hope they were doing up there!

vagabondblogger said...

I agree with nani. I think the train is in Pakistan too, but I also think all the women were pushed off. Hahaa. Actually, I've seen scenes like this in films about India, so it could also be northern India too. But, yes, totally insane!

اسكندراني اوي said...

dear when u asked me about the identefecation of some places i did

and really u covred most of the nice locations in alex

begad to7fa

Egyptiana Trapped Soul said...

i gues it is india ... everything is possible in india ... :D

yemken da film hendi wala 7aga