Saturday, November 24, 2007

She 1 and She 2

She 1: Nazla el soo2 ashteri showayet malabes dakhelia men el alwan el araf el bey7ebaha el reggala. A7mar 3ala eswed 3ala azrak 3ala showayet make up fa2e3
She2: laih enshalla
She 1: Bokra awwel marra 7aneb2a lewa7dena fe sa22et ahlo. Ahlo mesafreen wa mosh damna el zorof
She2: Naweteeha ya3ni. Wa enti damnah
She1: Damnah walla mosh damnah ba2ah maho kollo beye3mel keda 3alasham el omor temshi
She 2: Ebd2i ba2ah men ellela khodi 7obob
She 1: 7obob aih enti rokhrah, dana lessa bent
She2: wemalo, yemken ye7sal me3aki el beye7sal fel aflam
She1: bossi! matwaghweshneesh
She2: bossi, o3ni tebayeneelo el betestagibi alla ye2ool 3aliki megarraba. Shofeeh el awwel nawi 3ala aih. 3ayez yewsal le2nhi 7d
She 1: Heyya el reggala beto2f 3and 7d
She 2: enti wa22afih. Bossi, ba eido bass, le3b ya3ni, hah. Ew3i te2la3i. Khlleki dayman orb el bab
She 1: Welnabi enti rokhra, A2olaha nazla ashterilo langerie te2oli ew3i te2la3i. Allaho a3lam ba2ah. Ana ray7a mosh 3arfa fe demagho aih. Loh shahr 3ammal ye2olli anno 7asesna zay el ekhwat. Tab3an kan 3aref ahlo mesafreen wa 3ammal yemahhed

1 comment:

Viewpoint said...

all that because of the lack of proper sex education at the teenage. If every girl learnt it from a trustful source in the proper age she won't be feeling terrible like that. She will know what is in her bf's mind, she will set a limit and she will enjoy it