Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Moved to the " Heaven on Earth"

For those close friends who miss me and for those closer friends who send me personal emails to ask about me " Where is the arrogant, musculonist, naughty argumentative and horney Si El Said?" I am in the horrible process of moving and relocating to the HEAVEN ON EARTH, San Diego, California. The new house has been worked on since 2 weeks by all freaken specialities in housing. Communication ( phone, fax internet etc.) Furniture, Landscaping, lighting, carpentry, pluming ( I finally got a Jacooooozzzziii). I am currently residing in a hotel in Coronado Island ??? writing that post. This is my second day at my new work. Sadly I had to leave NY before the house here is finished ( el sanay3eya walad lazina fe kol balad). Hopefully by the end of next week I will be able to return to my normal life in the new place. I love you all


Someone Else said...

God bless your new home :)

simple girl.. ..simple dream said...

مبروك الشغل الجديد
والبيت كمان
يارب يكون وشه حلو عليك

قضية عم أحمد Ahmed Case said...

My first visit
Congratulation your new Job :))

Nice blog man

Bella said...

مبروك عليك الشغل الجديد والبيت الجديد
ويارب تتهنى وتسعد به

الحمد لله انك بخير

والله يكون في عونك مع العمال والصنايعية


عجبتني قوي قوي

فعلا الصنايعية ولاد لذين في كل حتة


ربنا يعينك عليهم

vagabondblogger said...

Been there, did that and know how frustrating it can be. Regardless of all your planning, nothing will go as it should (regardless of where in the world you are.) I have to congratulate you though - a jacuzzi, I'm hoping that's a hot tub. (I love hot tubs!) If not, it should certainly soothe your body (& soul) after all that hard work at getting moved in to your new place.

Egyptiana Trapped Soul said...

mabrook for both the new work and the new home... may god bless them both ... we nefra7 beik ba2a lama tela2y ely te3amar el beit

my best regards

Nani said...

slam alikm
good luck in finding your stuff!

Anonymous said...

كل سنه و انت طيب عيد سعيد

Polka Dotted said...

mabrooooook the new house and work

kan fi nas weshaha 7elw 3alik ama gatlak el good news.... salemly 3alihom :D

Unknown said...

مبروك يا سيدى

كل سنة و انت طيب بمناسبة العام الجديد ، قصدى يعنى

happy new year :)