Sunday, March 16, 2008

Ana Hena


vagabondblogger said...

Ignore the previous comment - I got one exactly like that. It's so robotic, isn't it?

Btw, you've been tagged. Check out my blog for the details. I can't wait to see your post. BTW, haven't seen much of you in awhile. Busy? Or enjoying San Diego too much?

He and She said...

I did ingored it. I received it before and I know
Actually Vivi San Diego is an Amazing City to live in. If you have the chance to try the South West coast you will not go east ever. I am still exploring the fun parts of the City so I'm kind of lazy to post

vagabondblogger said...

Well, it took me awhile to post mine, since I had been sick and my son was on a cross country trip, which turned out scary for a couple of days. Besides, you are he&she and even though many of your friends might know you, some readers (like myself) know only that you once owned a Fiat 500 and lived in Egypt. We would like to know more. Pleeaase! I am very patient and will wait.

Unknown said...

أيه ده بجد حراح عليهم يشوهوا احدى أغنيات الزمن الجميل