Saturday, August 25, 2007

Arab men: " We are sex perverts"

500 sexually opressed horney Arab men of all ages, gathering around two underage female teenagers like predators around a prey in a wild forest. It is an actual image of the Arab sexual perversion, The Arab sexual attitude, the Arab sexual hunger and the Arab sexual animality. That is a frank child molestation. The two little kids were apparently trained and instructed to act like sluts, this is the first crime. They have seen how much money their slutting can bring. The men on the other side rush and compete to tip the little girls just to have a quick touch to their boobs. The veiled third woman ( maybe the mother) got jeolous and shared in this dancing fever. This is the actual image of the poor class Arabs who can't afford to have private dancing parties in their homes. the Arabs are sick. That sickness came from them seeing in every place, all the day and everyday just black moving tents called women. This sexual hunger and unsatisfaction in the basis of ALL crimes in the Arab world. If a religeon or a culture turn us into this then we have to think about a way to interpret the religeon and culture to something that match the science. Not to make the old rotten interpretation of the sheikhs and Mullas make us behave like animals.


Anonymous said...

Arabs do not behave like animals...
Arabs ARE animals.

He and She said...

Thank you Hassam for visiting and commenting.
The Arab were not animals before the radical Islamic intimidation. They were not animal before the internet. They were not animal before the satellites. The first one is pushing hard from one side and the other two are pushing hard from the other side and this is the result on the lay person.
The problem with the Arab has always been that they dont properly respond to the changing reality, that is the bottom line. The whole world is changing everyday and they see the changes yet they still thinking the same way since 1500 years

Egyptiana Trapped Soul said...

the problem with arab as you hinted... is the dual life they live in, between following elders lines, and what so called religion... and the current life with all its temptetations

and they call themselve best nation, with all their psychological sickness

those same people would kill a woman in the name of honor, and talk about women as if they are private territories.

everytime i read such words from a man, i feel comfortable... for it shows me that not all men are animals.

thanks for the post.. and the video

He and She said...

Thank you for visiting Miss Egyptiana. You comment is appreciated. Well as you said, it is the mentality. The attitude and way for thinking that is full of hypocrisy. Pray to God in the morning.beat his wife in the afternoon then goes to a cafe at night to harass women walking in the street

Nani said...
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He and She said...

Hi Nani, thank you for visiting. Do me a favor Nani, read my post again, swallow it, digest it then come write a rational comment. There is a big gap between what is in my post and what is in your comment and I really dont have time to make this gap any closer. thanks