Look at her smiles, eye looks, facial expressions and those intensily seducing gestures. Dont worry about her body choreography. This is a skill not a talent. She developed it not born with it. Go to the mirror and try to copy her. It is really a skill. Et3allemo ya banat 3alashan tetgawwizo aw te3gebo reggaletcom. Men are a very visual creatures by nature and no one can ever change that nature. By the way, this is my favorite belly dancer, the lebanese Dina Gamal.
After you see the clip ( yarab tekhalli U Tube elli 7atwadena el nar) you can watch more belly dancing
Esh esh
Zo2ak 7akaya ya Doctor. By the way are you single or married?
well the answer depend on whether you are a lady or a gentleman
I guess all the impression you get is from her custom and make up. Emad
yaragel !
She is really cutie. I dont know what that stupid color she picked for her custom. Nermeen Sad
welcome to my blog Nermeen and thanks
She is really cutie. I never heard about her though
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