Thursday, September 13, 2007

Don't talk to yourself...Take to somebody, maybe he has a word for you

She: That is all I do in my life. Cook, wash the dishes, clean the house, make the laundry take care of the children and be top ready at night so he can be pleased


Unknown said...

كل سنة و انت طيب
انا بحثت كتير عن حد اتكلم معاه من كتر ما تعبت من الكلام مع نفسى بس لقين ان الحد ده بيلخبطلى افكارى فرجعت تانى اتكلم مع نفسى

He and She said...

La2 ya 3alia, Malkeesh 7a2. Dawwari 3ala 7d 3a2el wa motafahhem. Ya3ni el madam elli fo2 di elli bete3mello da thaman ennaha betamlok osrah. Heya de showaya? khalleha tenzel teshtaghal wa tegeb khaddama.Be2zn allah gozha 7a ye7eb el khaddama