Thursday, September 13, 2007

I am sorry, I just couldn't believe it

When I heard the complaint from one or two girls I argued because I was one of those who teased girls in the street when I was a teenager. We were funny and sacrcastic and the girls were laughing and sometimes that way we could initiate a relation. This week, the week of Kollona Laila, I was shocked to notice that overwhelming complaint from every single girl. I repeat, every single girl. The quality of people and the harassment itself is different and intolerable. Harassment includes now physical touching, rubbing and sequeezing and people like the taxi driver who supposed to be your guardian during the trip. No way to leave that untreated because that eventually will affect the social stability and security. Even economically since many women will prefer to stay home adding financial burnden on their families. There is also one big problem is that you can not change the attitude of a society in one day or week or month. We also have to admit that those girls are emtionally stressed out too and some of them wish to have a chance of intimate relief if she guarantees the privacy and safety.

Here how I deal with that in my own way.
1- Insertion of under cover female detectives - even ordinary college girls hired temorary for that campaign- into the public places specially the transportation. Those female detectives are backed up by an armed male detective. Once an incident happen, they arrest the guy AND broadcast it in the TV news. That by itself will descrease the number of cases into at least %50. Many men will stop just afraid of the publicity.Is that an enough solution. Well, of course not we just increased the steam pressure inside a closed pot. If left like that we might be faced with the appearance of a worse scenarios, gang rape for example, or raping wives at home while husbands are out. so what else the Governemt could do to add reliefing factors?
2- Legalize to couples to live together regardless of their marital status. That by itself would solve tens of our social problems. I dont see any problem in that. I dont know why the Governemt inserts its nose into individual issues like this. It is like banning unmarried man and woman from buying one car to share it together. What is the problem if a female friend lived with me or I lived with a female friend. What happen in that situation is that the spiting jeolous naighbors and the door man race one another to call the police. Well, the police should answer " this is a personal matter as long as there is no harm".
3- Go back to what we use to do in the 50s and legalize the profession and make it under surpervision.
It doesn't seem to me that I covered the whole issue but that is all I could think of at the moment.


Polka Dotted said...

under cover female detectives ....i like this one

the others ....LOL
well they r a solution but not here in this community..hard to use

He and She said...

regarding the undercover female detectives, that is what they do here in US. a normal young lady with just extra tight clothes and more make up standing in a bus station just do nothing, not encouraging any body then she waits until somebody approaches her, so far everything is legal until he invites her to a place to have fun ( sex) then she negociates for how much, once he agrees on the money she arrests him. Women officers here are armed with a speedy guns. by the way, I myself with my own eyes saw 4 cases of street arrest.
I dont see any reasons to LOL of the other two things unless you like to LOL

Anonymous said...

You can bring your girl friend to yout home if for a short time. I mean for an hour sex cause it takes time until people notice and call the police and the police responds however living together is a bit risky. Of course girls wants too. I put my finger in the eye of the gilr who says she doesn't. Arent they human too? they just can't do it unless in safe circumstances.

Anonymous said...

I have a lucky friend who used to go to her boy friend at home and enjoy hours together in privacy. He is a single boy living only with his old mother they were claiming there are studying. I guess nothing safer than that. The funny things is that all the students wait for the summer cavation except those couple because there is no study and they can't do it hahaha. Some girls enjoy real freedom in Egypt it is just in the dark. 3ola

He and She said...

Anon and 3ola. I agree

Anonymous said...

Bring any woman, any woman and put her in a nice safe place with a good guy and see what will happen. In not more than two hours they will be involved in some sort of sex. Amre el Sawy

He and She said...

Amre, I disagree. You can't say ANY woman. That can not be the rule because there are many other barriers you didn't mention that stop the woman from getting intimate. Let us just dont get close to the red line please because there are many girls coming here