Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Moved to the " Heaven on Earth"

For those close friends who miss me and for those closer friends who send me personal emails to ask about me " Where is the arrogant, musculonist, naughty argumentative and horney Si El Said?" I am in the horrible process of moving and relocating to the HEAVEN ON EARTH, San Diego, California. The new house has been worked on since 2 weeks by all freaken specialities in housing. Communication ( phone, fax internet etc.) Furniture, Landscaping, lighting, carpentry, pluming ( I finally got a Jacooooozzzziii). I am currently residing in a hotel in Coronado Island ??? writing that post. This is my second day at my new work. Sadly I had to leave NY before the house here is finished ( el sanay3eya walad lazina fe kol balad). Hopefully by the end of next week I will be able to return to my normal life in the new place. I love you all

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Very funny.. kont 7a moot men el de7k - meen dool?

Kalam Zaman

A favorite song

This Dancer ( Orit Maftsir - Israeli bellydancer website) has an amazing show I posted earlier. She is great. Of course the director, light and camera man have a lot of effect in the ealier show. I post this because I like the song

She 1 and She 2

She 1: Nazla el soo2 ashteri showayet malabes dakhelia men el alwan el araf el bey7ebaha el reggala. A7mar 3ala eswed 3ala azrak 3ala showayet make up fa2e3
She2: laih enshalla
She 1: Bokra awwel marra 7aneb2a lewa7dena fe sa22et ahlo. Ahlo mesafreen wa mosh damna el zorof
She2: Naweteeha ya3ni. Wa enti damnah
She1: Damnah walla mosh damnah ba2ah maho kollo beye3mel keda 3alasham el omor temshi
She 2: Ebd2i ba2ah men ellela khodi 7obob
She 1: 7obob aih enti rokhrah, dana lessa bent
She2: wemalo, yemken ye7sal me3aki el beye7sal fel aflam
She1: bossi! matwaghweshneesh
She2: bossi, o3ni tebayeneelo el betestagibi alla ye2ool 3aliki megarraba. Shofeeh el awwel nawi 3ala aih. 3ayez yewsal le2nhi 7d
She 1: Heyya el reggala beto2f 3and 7d
She 2: enti wa22afih. Bossi, ba eido bass, le3b ya3ni, hah. Ew3i te2la3i. Khlleki dayman orb el bab
She 1: Welnabi enti rokhra, A2olaha nazla ashterilo langerie te2oli ew3i te2la3i. Allaho a3lam ba2ah. Ana ray7a mosh 3arfa fe demagho aih. Loh shahr 3ammal ye2olli anno 7asesna zay el ekhwat. Tab3an kan 3aref ahlo mesafreen wa 3ammal yemahhed

Why a man does not marry a woman he loves?

That needs to be discussed in a rationale and practical manner. It is definitely not related to ethics or morals or religion. It is surely related to the circumstances. But what are those circumstances so we can avoid them. What things a woman need to be aware of to avoid starting a relation with someone who can not be her husband? I am sure that everyone has at least one point in his/her mind

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

I wish if one day the secret behind Farida Fahmi sudden disappearance becomes known

That is He and that is She

The man looks for the woman as he look for a car. He want it smooth, shiny, bright, no dimples or scratches, turns on from the first touch, easily turn right and left when he wants, high speed, good suspension to absorb the shocks. The woman look in the man for an opposing image. She looks at him like a train. She asks herself first. Is he stable? on a steady forward rails? straight? Is he spacious to accomodate her future kids? and most probably her mom too? and possibly all her family too? Is he local that stops in every small station, or express that stops only on big cities or non stop express that go directly to her dreams. She doesn't care if the surface has dimples or scratches. She doesn't want him to turn right or left. She wants him heading straight to her dream. That is the nature as God created it. However unfortunately these days the image got inverted. Men are trimming their eyebrows and women are burying their youth and beauty between the books to have a PhD.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

7d ye3raf no3 el batteekh dah aih?

ana fehemt el mawdoo3 keda wel wayam but I have no idea what was going on. Here what is happening bel balady lamma el mawdoo3 beyetkashaf. In 7eblet, howa el ghaltan wa in ma 7ebletsh yeb2a heyya el ghaltana... 7d ba2ah 3a2el y23od ma3a nafso wa yes2al. 7okm meen da ba2ah en sha2llah?

Sunday, November 18, 2007

I thought 10 years in America have made me a pratical man

I discovered tonight that I still feel the same feeling of el masri ebn el balad who got shaken by simple social tragedies. It has been a long time that I lost the patience or say I dont have time to watch or read anything more than 10 minutes or less. Tonight I happened to watch an Arabic movie that really broke my heart and left me emotionally affected. The film is called " Asrar el banat" by few of the second level actors and few unknown youngesters. It is not the acting that affected me but rather the idea, the tragedy and the events. click here to watch the movie

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Aywa keda

He: ta3ali ba2ah
She: Ew3a keda
He: Ta3ali.. wa labsali bantalon fe odt el noom?
She:Ew3a enta ma fassa7tenesh el weekend el fat
He: Mana kont nabatshi
She: wana mali. Khalas el bab afal
He: Afal meen...ta3ali hena
She:Ew3a sebni 3ayza anam
He: enti 7a teshtaghalili
She: El baba affaaaallll...bokra...bokraaaa
He: Ahi talabet ba2ah... E2la3i el bantalon
She: Yamsebti!
He: Ana 3arfek...kol moddah te7ebi tettakhdi bel3afya...Wa malo
She: Enta mabtethaddesh abadan
He: howanti tool ma betsakhani feyya keda ana 7a ahmad abadan

I just love it

Don't ask me how the driver is seeing
Don't ask me in what Country
Don't ask me how all those are stuck on the train
Don't ask me how they stay like this for hours
Don't ask me how they arranged themselves this way
Don't ask me if one wants to pee what he gonna do
Don't ask me how those in the front will tolerate the horn
Don't ask me what the two little kids on the right are running after

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Yadi el nila. The same story again

She:Ma enta kalt wa shrebt wa bost wa 7adant wa...
He: Tb matni bardo kalti wa sherebti wa bosti wa 7adanti

Aih dah ya 3arab?


The Arabic Army

Saturday, November 3, 2007

some fun

Yarab tshatty 3ersan

very funny song. I never heard it before. Ahhah? dal moshkela men zaman ba2ah!

De ba2ah really special - Must see fom A to Z


The real marriage should be for one single reason; the shared desire to have children, enjoy raising them and have them completing the life cycle. You just choose someone you like that share you that desire. Marriage shouldn't be because of the mere love that might die away one day. Marriage shouldn't be because you are looking for a man to support you, protect you or tet3ay2i beeh. Marriage shouldn't be because you want to guarantee an available sex with a partner that is always there for you or a cheap life time servant. Marriage shouldn't be for the companionship because one is worried to get old and been lonely. All those reasons that people claim can be fulfilled by someone without marriage. People claim those reasons because they are scared not to find a partner if they get old. However those claims shouldn't be the reason. Marriage is a contract that two people of the opposite sex decided to bear the resposibility of having a new generation carrying their genes. The contract and committment is necessary only because a helpless third party is involved; the child. Without that third part marriage would become a restraining chain

Friday, November 2, 2007

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

7etet tarab to7fa. Wonderful couple ( before Om a7mad mat2oom tor2os)

Ayooo 3l ghaba

The most vicious and malginant strategy to hunt a lover

1- Choose the Right Target
Study your prey thoroughly. The right targets are those for whom you can fill a void. The perfect target allows for the perfect chase.
2- Create a False Sense of Security - Approach Indirectly
The seduction should begin at an angle so that the target only gradually becomes aware of you. Haunt the periphery of your target's life.
3- Send Mixed Signals
A mix of qualities suggests depth, which fascinates as it confuses.
4- Appear to Be an Object of Desire
Make your targets hungry to possess you. It will become a point of vanity for them to be the preferred object of your attention.
5- Create a Need - Stir Anxiety and Discontent
A perfectly satisfied person cannot be seduced.
6- Master the Art of Insinuation
Create a sublanguage - bold statements followed by retraction and apology, banal talk combined with alluring glances. make everything suggestive.
7- Enter Their Spirit
Play by your targets' rules. In doing so you will stroke their deep-rooted narcissism and lower their defenses.
8- Create Temptation
Lure the target by creating a glimpse of the pleasures to come.
9- Keep Them in Suspense
The moment people feel they know what to expect from you, you spell on them is broken. Give the target a thrill with a sudden change of direction.
10- Use the Power of Words to Sow Confusion
The trick to making people listen is to say what they want to hear. Flatter them.

11- Pay Attention to Detail
Lofty words of love and grand gestures can be suspicious. The subtle gestures and the offhand things you do are often more charming.
12- Poeticize
Your Presence - Intrigue your target by altering an exciting presence with a cool distance, exuberant moments followed by calculated absences.
13- Disarm Through Strategic Weakness and Vulnerability
Too much maneuvering on your part may raise suspicion. The best way to cover your tracks is to make the other person feel superior and stronger.
14- Confuse Desire and Reality
Create the Perfect Illusion - Aim at secret wishes that have been thwarted or repressed, stirring up uncontrollable emotions, clouding a victim's powers of reason.
15- Isolate the Target
Take your targets away from their normal milieu, friends, family, home. With no outside support, an isolated person is easily led astray.
16- Prove Yourself
One well-timed action that shows how far you are willing to go to win your target over will dispel doubts.
17- Effect a Regression
People who have experienced a certain kind of pleasure in the past will try to repeat or relive it.
18- Stir Up the Transgressive and Taboo
People yearn to explore their dark side. Take your targets further than they imagine - the shared feeling of guilt and complicity will create a powerful bond.

19- Use Spiritual Lures
Everyone has doubts and insecurities about their physical presence. Lure them out of their insecurities by making them focus on something sublime and spiritual.
20- Mix Pleasure with Pain
The greatest mistake in seduction is being too nice.
21- Give Them Space to Fall
The Pursuer is Pursued - Hint that you are growing bored. Seem interested in someone else. Create the illusion that the seducer is being seduced.
22- Use Physical Lures
Targets with active minds are dangerous. Put their minds gently to rest and waken their dormant senses by combining a non-defensive attitude with a charged sexual pleasure.
23- Master the Art of the Bold Move
Don't give the target time to consider the consequences. One person must go on the offensive, and it is you.
24- Beware the After-effects
Never let the other person take you for granted. Use absence, create pain and conflict, to keep the seduced on tenterhooks.

Brought from the web

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Mid life crisis

She: Why? why? what is bad did I do? what is good didn't I do? Tell me. Why you let your childish foolish desire to ruin the family. I paid all my life for my family. I need to know now why? why? We have been having sex for years. My first time was with you when I was 18. You enjoyed the young woman of me. I can't stay young forever to stop you from fooling around with young girls. I just can't. I am human. I gave you my life when I was a young flower and when I became a mother of three kids. I am your life. I made you. I support you. I keep that family. I maintain that house. Everything is me. I still remember when I was sitting with you long boring hours to watch sex movies to make you feel I share you the same dirty interest. I am the one who was taking care of you from day one to now, your needs are my to do list. Your wishes are the dreams that i fight to make them true. Give me one reason. Why you cheated on me. Why you contaminate our crystal clear love relation. Did I ever neglect your needs? any need? Tell me, maybe I am worng. Tell me why you punished me for my love and honest care. Tell me if I left with the kids today how you gonna live. We are both 45 years old now. Our dreams are different. Our desires are more mature. Why with one incident you want to prove to me that bitter feeling. That I have been living all those years with an immature man. If my breasts are not up and full anymore then you need somebody to remind you that you penis is not stiff enough anymore to go through me. How did you slep with her. You took the blue pill to deceive yourself that you are still a horney boy? Did she know that you have diabetes and I am the one who inject you with the insulin every morning. Did she know that you are being laid off from work by the end of the year. How you gonna spend on her? from my salary? say something. Don't kill me with your silence. recall my life with you, watch it like a video tape and tell me what year, what month, or what day or even what hour you wasn't cared of by my love. I am not gonna destroy the family for a stupid incident like this, not for me but for the kids. However you lost my respect. You are not my lover and my respected husband anymore. You preferred to be seen all your life like a pig.

Bravo ya 7abebti. Ya tara mama fel beat walla tela2eha mama el bet sawwarek. Maho este7ala yekon baba

Monday, October 29, 2007

Khara...ooppss Sorry. I don't mean Khara...I just mean Khara

One of my funny incidents in NY. I was just arrived few months ago. Still do not taste the American food. Wa a3adt ada3bes in all the area where I was living for a store or a restaurent that sells food similar to our food; Greek, Iranian, Turkish etc. I wanted basal wa ta2leyya; tabeekh; ghomoos; ai 7aga. Finally I found and indian food store. I got in. I found a lot of food that look so delicious to me. One item was sawabe3 gollash. Allah, but there was as small sign posted over the dish called" Khara". Allah ye2refko ya bo3ada. Ma32oola? Gollash ma7shi khara? I asked the young indian girl behind the facade
Me: Excuse me, what is this?
The girl: This is khara"
Me: I know it is written there. I mean what is it made of?
The girl" This is a phyllo dough stuffed with chicken, onion and vegetables
Me: Allah, yummy. Lamma agarrab akol khara. Please give me one
The girl took one with a fork and was going to put it in the oven to heat it
Me: Is it hot?
The girl: No it is not yet
Me: then I want it like this
The girl handled the piece of Khara to me in a nice plate with some pickles. I sat down atghazzel fel Khara, I mean el gollasha before I eat it saying to myself" allah 3ala el Khara...mmmm" Then once I took one bite I found my head hitting the ceiling and the hell fire in my mouth. Ga7eem, wel3a. Ro7t be 3afweyya tafet.ha and went to scream at the girl with my eyes tearing from the shatta
Me: I told you I dont want the Khara hot Miss
The girl: It is not hot Sir. It didn't even touch the oven as you saw
Me: I mean Hot...Hot...Hot... pointing to her at my tongue
The girl smiling: Sir, I guess you meant " spicy". Well everybody who is used to indian food knows that the Khara is very spicy.
Me: How should I know, howwana kont kalt Khara abl keda
and I left the store wa bo22ee melahleb and still hungery. Wa de kant awwel wa akher marra akol Khara.
By the way, they cook it in many ways ( sawabe3, mothalathat, fetayer)and you can see pictures of it on the web. I didn't post a picture of it for the suspense

Sunday, October 28, 2007

The Happiest Couple

The happiest couple are not the rich successful gentleman and the pretty sweet educated young lady though what they have seems to qualify them for a happy everlasting shared life yet that is not true. I see other things that guarantee the mutual happiness. Let me count what I thought of according to their importance to me
1- Shared moral and ethical standards and that it totally independent of the social level
2- Similarity of beliefs
3- Matching personality type. Introvert; extrovert etc..
4- Lots of shared interests, naturally not made up
5- Closeness of ethnic background
6- Uniformity of the future dreams
7- Shared degree of personal flexibility and tolerance, even if both are short tempered
8- Closeness of the social level
9- Matching level of education
10- Reasonable difference of age

Do you have a different set of priorities? Do you care about something I didn't mention?

Kalam el Nas - Concert

Saturday, October 27, 2007

The dilemma of being a woman

From the beginning of life to now to the end of the world the woman will be a symbol. A symbol of beauty, youth, compassion, care, love, serenity, obedience, patience, submission and million other things that finely detail that symbol. However among those details the woman knows that the gate to her happiness starts from her physical beauty. All the doors easily opened for the pretty young woman. The dream man always looks first for the pretty young woman. Among her peers the good jobs are taken by the pretty young woman. Beauty always comes first. It is the permit, the pass, the ticket then later the audient look for other things. Beauty is not the skin color or the eyes’ color or the smile or the gait style or the body proportions. The woman’s beauty is a pleasant feeling that the observer man feels. That feeling initiates an intense desire into the man to approach and have that woman. It is a challenge. Unfair challenge to every woman and every woman knows that, though some deny and argue. It is unfair because not every woman has the same inborn level of physical beauty and the one that has less level needs to expose more. Humiliating right?. One might know a wonderful woman, educated, sweet, compassionate, loving and has many personal potentials that qualify her to be a happy, pleasing successful life partner but can not find her chance. On the other hand the appealing woman might have a lot of bad things but her beauty always support her. That is the Magnet. Not necessarily a magnet to have a husband. It is sometimes the magnet to find a job; to survive. I am not going to talk about the know-how. Every girl knows what things make the woman physically appealing that is not the point. The point is the frustration every girl feels since her age of awareness. The splitting of herself that she has to live all her life. One fights to develop herself as a good person and the other fights to be physically attracting to catch the train.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Why we were born like that

She likes a smooth steady begining
He might rush to say " I love you" in the first date
She likes to test him is all aspects of personality
He always fail
She is detailed oriented and organized
He is rushy and arrogant
She like a stable life time relation cause it took her a big deal to choose him
He like to jump from a relation to the next
She always thinks of tomorrow
He thinks only of today
She is cooperative and sharing
He is tyrant and dictator
She likes a prolonged forplay
He immediately want to jump
She likes a warm afterplay, a touch that means" you pleased me so much"
He: immediately turns his back or maybe leaves the whole room.
Sometimes I think like those who say " only her needs that make her tolerate that differene likewise only his need that makes him tolerate that difference

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Allah yekhreb beto...El Fa2r

She: Zane2ni lai keda
He: 3alashan ma tehrabeesh menni
She: Mosh 3ayezni ahrab?
He: Tab3an
She: Khalas, netgawwez 3alashan tedmanni ganbak 3ala tool
He: Netgawwez. Bas lamma tetkhani showayya el awwel, 3alashan...
She: da enta kont metddahwel 3alaya el khamees el fat. Delwa2ti ba2eet kohka?
He: Ana bas ba a3aksek.. da enti ro7i wa albi
She: Khalas, ta3ala kallem baba
He: Aollo aih
She: yabroodak ya akhi
He: Khalas, abayyad oda 3nd ommi wa netgawwez feha
She: 3and ommak?
He: tb ya3ni neroo7 feen?
She: Sha22ah mafroosha
He: le7ad emta

Every woman seeing herself in the mirror

Ya khabar...de Masr etghayyaret khales

Reminds me of my English teacher

That is the end of anyone who tries to make fun of the religious symbols

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Kalam Gameel

She: Allah. el makan hena gameel
She: Malak?
He: Mama ta3bana wa bafakkar enzel Masr
She: Da kalam ya 3esam. Da enta law ma nezeltesh ana 7a anzellaha wa7di. De tant rabbetli alwadi
He: El moshkela en agazati kollaha khelst fel mostashfa
She: wa malo. Khod ayam bedon agr
He: 3afra lamma fakkart feeki, la basset 3ala gamalek wala gesmek, wala ta3leemek wala 7atta 3eltek. Seme3t kalam ommi bass. Aletli " yabni, khod bent el ossol alla el zaman yetool" wa 3amalt belnasee7ah


She: 7arramt yaben el kalb
He: akher marra wel nabi
She: So now what is the end of this game hah?
He: Game? Now you call it game? It was always you who call it endless love. I still feel for you like the first day. I still feel that we share an endless love
She: Love is not an end, love is a way to an end
He: And what is that end?
She: Marriage. I am not young anymore. All those years I was waiting for your promise to come true
He: I didnt break my promise I just can't make it now
She: then when? after I get into the menopause?
He: you want a true love or marriage or kids
She: I want all. The whole package like any girl sacrificed for her man
He: Sacrifice? and what is that en shallah?
She: I had so many men who wanted to marry me and they were all ready but I ignored them all and still waiting for you. I gave you the most precious thing a girl has. I pleased you all those years anytime you wanted me
He: WWW, hold on. If your purpose is marriage then you shouldn't leave all those ready men for a guy who is not ready yet like me. If your purpose is love then I am here, still in love with you. Second, what is that precious thing? Your hymen? Don't they repair it now in any clinic in Shobra for just 500 pounds. I will pay you those 500 if you want to leave me and you become virgin again. When we planned to do it did I take you to a Doctor to check you up if you are repaired before or not? Don't worry, any man will swallow it the way I swallowed it. Third you claim you pleased me. Did I please you too or not. Wasn't you moaning and twisting under me in pleasure or you was faking? tell me... say it
She: Stop...Stop you talk about me as if I am a slut. You destroyed all my life.. all my life
He: Honey, when you fell in my love you knew my circumstances, my education, my family, my chance and my potentials. I love you, I wanna stay all my life with you. You tell me what can I do. The whole Country is like us. Poor frustrated lovers. Tell me what do you need me to do that I can do
She: ......

Thursday, October 18, 2007

When the woman loves the man she does ANYTHING he wants


Aih dah?

This is what I think is that Topic - Beating the spouse

A friction between a husband and wife can extends from an argument to a break up to harrassment to verbal abuse to physical violence. I think that good people never exceed the argument. Then it is either sol7 ba3d khesam or tala2 be e7teram. Bad people act like animals the stronger beats the weaker and guess what ? al tewyoor 3ala ashkaleha taka3.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Showwayet Tarawa-11

Lions conversation

Lion 1: Ga3an ya Ahmad
Lion 2: Mosh awi


She: I am living the best days of my life
He: I told you I have an endless love inside my heart
She: Do you remember when we first met on the internet
He: This is the only evidence I have that you are sent to me from the heaven. Why it was you among the millions if it was not meant to be
She: Do you remember when we saw one another in the webcams?
He: hahaa.. and you said I am old
She: did I?
He: Ya baykha
She: really you looked old before you shaved your moustache
He: Is that the only reason my moustache was annoying you?
She: bas ba2ah...balash keda
He: a7la ma feeki ennek khagoola
She: It is you who forgot that you talk to a lady. I know you hint to some naughty stuff
He: I love you
She: It was the last thing in my mind to leave the Country
He: Call it destiny, call it luck, call it the power of love. You really deserve what I did for you and I won't ever stop giving
She: Great...then I want four children
He: E7m... laih enshalla? 7ob feyyah?
She: La2 tab3an.
He: Ya ghalastek
She: I want two boys to play together and two girls to support each others He: And a father to support this gang until dahro yet7eni
She: hahaha tab3an. Rabbena yekhallek leyya wa lewladna

She tries all possible means just to trap him

Friday, October 12, 2007

3L Kol

The Invention of all times. Sony Genetic Camera XXY makes women totally independent.

Sony finally released to the market its hit of all times. The best gift to all women. So far the XXY genetic camera has been sold to 300 millions independent women all over the world. Those smart independent women who rushed to buy the XXY Genetic Camera have reported %100 satisfaction. The Sony XXY Genetic Camera is a camera that can be used by any woman. The woman holds the camera and picture any man she likes without him even notice. The admired man can be pictured from any direction. The image picks up the man’s genes. The camera then translates all the genes embedded in that man’s sex chromosome and translates it into a data and prints it in a bar code. All the woman needs is to take the image and the bar code and go to her OBGYN Doctor who will scan the bar code with a probe and put the probe in the woman’s vagina for one minutes. The woman immediately gets pregnant with a baby who carries the genes of her favorite man. No need for intercourse anymore. Single women do not need to bother looking for a husband any more. Married women do not need to shave their privates, wear sex clothes and stupidly smile to their husbands anymore. Career women would focus in their academic achievements and do not worry about marriage. Finally the main dream of all women became true and that is the total independence of a man, first economically then sexually.
However there is still a chance for any woman to find a man if she missed the thrilling touches and the securing hug of a loving one . Men would still be available all the time.

Thursday, October 11, 2007


She: Ed3ak
He: Mana bad3ak
She: La2 mosh hena
He: Ommal 3ayza feen?
She: zay ma oltelak embar7
He: Neseet
She: Enta mogrem
He: Ya3ni 7aram te2oleha tani
She: mosh 7a 2ool
He: Wana mosh 7ad3ak

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Yooooh, same shit

She: Ya3ni magebtsh hedeia le mama fe 3eed meladha
He: Ma7na ya 7abibti ben7awwish 3alashan negeb 3arabeya ter7amna men bahdalet el mowasalat
She: Ya3ni hedeyet mama elli 7a tekhreb betak?
He: La2 tab3an. Ma7na benkhos 3ala tant kol youm gom3a befakha wa 7alaweyyat
She: Enta 7a tezel ahli be showayyet el 3enab el dakhalt beehom el esboo3 elli fat?
He: Tare2tek hogomeya wa gar7ah
She: Tab3an, mosh ommi
He: tb delwa2ti 3ayzani a3mel aih
She: te3mel? ma khalas saghartini oddam ahli. Enta lessa betfakkar te3mel
He: La elaha el Ahhah. Tb kan lazmeto aih sam el badan dah?

A real love story

Love can be expressed in million ways; A kiss; A gift of flowers; A piece of music; a portrait and many other ways. See how a true love is expressed in choreography. A free dance on ice. Remember, all that performance is on ice

All that of ice? da e7na benetza7lak fe eshret moz

A wonderful American Classic ; On the Wings of love

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Here is the new thing in Egypt that wasn't there when I left in 1999. Egyptian gays, Egyptian Lesbians

I am a scientific man. There is no real biological proof that homosexuality in an inborn trait. Boys with XY chromosomes behave sexualy like males and girls with XX chromosome behave sexualy as females. Homosexuality has different cause in the Western world. But in Egypt? Egypt? That wasn't ever there. I just can't believe that. The word " khawal" had always been just a curse but never a description of a man. You now see Egyptian boys are girls even proud of it. They introduce themselves like that" ana methly", " Ana Methleya". Where that twisted ( vs straight) sexual behavior came from? From poverty? We have always been poor people. Is the level of poverty dropped down that low in the last few years. I can not judge, I am not there now, but I assume it could be. Hala went to Mona her friend, closed the door and have a safe privacy, talk about their misfortune of getting old without marriage. Parents never worry about a friend of the same sex visit their sons or daughters even if they close the door. Isn't the safe privacy is the most necessary thing for sex. Then here it is. Girls are getting old with no near future hope of marriage. Boys are more frustrated and that is the current situation. Hala tells Mona " ta3ali fe 7odni yakhti bala nila. E7na malnash gher 7odn ba3d. Bala reggala bala zoll bala 7abal. A7mad tells Ayman " Ma tigi tefannesli showaya ya bolbol, akhook maznoo2 wa mafeesh neswan". Hala and Mona found the mutual play very pleasing. Ayman bent over to a7mad and enjoyed it then he did it to a7mad too and here you go. Now where that would lead the current generation of young Egyptian to? Where to? Where to?

Monday, October 8, 2007

Masr have changed a lot. I really feel like a stranger

You tell me

God is fair or supposed to be fair, right? God created us equal or he supposely doing that, right. A big evidence of His fairness and equality that he will judge us based on the same tests. Don't kill; Don't steal; Don't commit adultry; Dont lie etc. We will all be equally asked for that. Now come that confusing question. How come you examine people with the same tests while they were not created the same. Some people are born rich who would less likely steal while those who were born poor are more liable to fail in that. Pretty people have more luck and treated better than those who were born ugly. People who were born agressive are more likely to commit a murder than those who were born serene. The rich will more likely marry young so are less likely to commit adultry than those poor who fight all there lives to financially qualify for marriage. Of course the poor is more likely to commit adultry. Rich people more likely to live in a separate home when they marry. Poor people are more likely to marry inside the parents' home and face situations of friction that ends in lying, stealing, cheating, fighting and the rest of those endless horrible consequences. Second point, God considers the man and the woman are equal ( supposed to) yet He never sent one female prophet. What the female is lacking to be a prophet?
Third point; The criminal law in and Country has progessivly severer punishment for the same crime according to the circumstances. Example are 4th degree murder, 3rd degree murder, 2nd degree murder or 1st degree murder.Then you tell me how we gonna be judged equaly based on our performance in same tests if we are not created the same nor lived in the same circumstances?

women job

He: ta3ali bass
She: Ew3a keda sebni
He: Ta3ali balash to2l
She: To2l? to2l aih? ana za3lana mennak
He: Howa enti law za3lana konti tigi labsa keda?
She: aih? labsa aih? da ana wala el mo7aggabat
He: Wallahi?
She: heya bas el denia elli 7ar showaya
He: ah 7r awi. Matigi nakhod dosh ma3a ba3d
She: Dosh? feen ensha 2allah? Fe beat ommak
He: Ma ana ba7awwish 3alash ageeb lek sha22ah
She: Aiwwaaa.. khallek 7awwesh l7ad mana akhosh fe sen el ya2s
He: Tb matigi ne7assal 3omrena abl ma yedee3
She: be3enak

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Aaah. Then it was you ya Sadat?

7alawet baladna

Ana 3aref el masayeb de betet7addef 3alaia menen? Dana ghalban

Wallahi lamma atgawwez la akhaleha ter2osli baladi kol lila

A canon of punches. Iron Mike Tyson knock out compilation

Saturday, October 6, 2007

No Comment


Observational study demonstrating the effect of Estrogen on Testosterone

Malban wa mokassarat zaman

The best sex movie I ever seen

Only in America

Only in America... Can a pizza get to your house faster than an ambulance.
Only in America... are there handicap parking places in front of a skating rink.
Only in America... do drugstores make the sick walk all the way to the back of the store to get their prescriptions.
Only in America... do people order cheese burgers, a large fry, and a diet coke.
Only in America... do banks leave both doors open and then chain the pens to the counters.
Only in America... do we leave cars worth thousands of dollars in the driveway and put useless junk in the garage.
Only in America... do we use answering machines to screen calls and then have call waiting so we won't miss a call from someone we didn't want to talk to in the first place.

He said...She said

He: I don't know why you wear a bra; you've got nothing to put in it.
She: You wear briefs, don't you?
He: Do you love me just because my father left me a fortune?
She: Not at all honey, I would love you no matter who left you the money.
He: "This coffee isn't good for a dog!"
She: "No problem, I'll get you some that is."
She: What do you mean by coming home half drunk?
He: It's not my fault...I ran out of money.
He: Since I first laid eyes on you, I've wanted to make love to you in the worst way.
She: Well, you succeeded.
He: You have a flat chest and need to shave your legs, have you ever been mistaken for a man?
She: No, have you?
He: Why do you women always try to impress us with your looks, not with your brains?
She: Because there is a bigger chance that a man is a moron than he is blind.


- A man who surrenders when he's wrong, is Honest. A man who surrenders when not Sure, is Wise. A man who surrenders even if he's Right, is a Husband.
- There is only one perfect child in the world and every mother has it. There is only one perfect wife in the world and every neighbour has it
- Prospective husband: Do you have a book called 'Man, The Master of Women'?
Salesgirl: The fiction department is on the other side, sir.
- Man receives telegram: Wife dead-should be buried or cremated?Man: Don't take any chances. Burn the body and bury the ash.
- Any argument between a man and a woman results in one thing. Either she wins or he loses
- I know I’m not going to understand women. I’ll never understand how you can take boiling hot wax, pour it onto your tender upper thigh, rip the hair out by the root, and still be afraid of a spider.
- A man asked his wife, “I don’t know how you can be so stupid and so beautiful all at the same time. ” The wife responded, “God made me beautiful so you would be attracted to me; God made me stupid so I would be attracted to you!!
- A woman worries about the future until she gets a husband. A man never worries about the future until he gets a wife.
- A woman worries about the future until she gets a husband. A man never worries about the future until he gets a wife.
- A successful man is one who makes more money that his wife can spend. A successful woman is one who can find such a man.
- To be happy with a man, you must understand him a lot and love him a little. To be happy with a woman, you must love her a lot and not try to understand her at all.
- Married men live longer than single men, but married men are a lot more willing to die.
- Men wake up as good-looking as they went to bed. Women somehow deteriorate during the night.
- A woman marries a man expecting he will change, but he doesn't. A man marries a woman expecting that she won't change, and she does.
- A woman has the last word in any argument. Anything a man says after that is the beginning of a new argument.

Friday, October 5, 2007

10 Things Never to do in marriage

Love is a very delicate feeling. It flees from an atmosphere filled with blame, anger and sarcasm and grows in an environment of respect, acceptance and honesty. The following 10 marital proscriptions -- if followed consciously and conscientiously-- will transform a relationship mired in negativity into one based on trust and safety.
1. Don’t take your partner for granted
2. Don’t mind-read
3. Don’t blame
4. Don’t interpret
5. Don’t say YES when you mean NO
6. Don't Use Silence As A Weapon
7. Don't Act Out
8. Don't Discount
9. Don't Threaten
10. Don't Triangulate

To read the wondeful details of that article click here. Don't forget to come back to tell me what do you think

Showayyet Tarawa -9. Stylish wallahi ya Dina.

Very good singer.He has a Real man's voice, full of masculinity. Very good choice of the song. Real mazag

Some funny minutes

A joke that has a significance

A man goes to his doctor and says, "I don't think my wife's hearing isn't as good as it used to be. What should I do?" The doctor replies, "Try this test to find out for sure.
When your wife is in the kitchen doing dishes, stand fifteen feet behind her and ask her a question, if she doesn't respond keep moving closer asking the question until she hears you."
The man goes home and sees his wife preparing dinner. He stands fifteen feet behind her and says, "What's for dinner, honey?" He gets no response, so he moves to ten feet behind her and asks again. Still no response, so he moves to five feet. still no answer. Finally he stands directly behind her and says, "Honey, what's for dinner?" She replies, "For the fourth time, I SAID CHICKEN!"

The 10 most embarrassing people to any woman

10) The Doctor because he says, "Take off your clothes."
9) The Dentist because he says, "Open Wide."
8) The Hairdresser because he says, "Do you want it teased or blown."
7) The Milkman because he says, "Do you want it in front or in back?"
6) The Interior Decorator because he says, "Once you have it all in, you'll love it."
5) The Banker because he says, "If you take it out too soon, you'll lose interest."
4) The Police Officer because he says, "Spread 'em."
3) The Mailman because he always delivers his package.
2) The Pilot because he takes off fast and then slows down.
1) The Hunter because he always goes deep in the bush, shoots twice and always eats what he shoots.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Meen dol?

Funny situations

Tarawa - 8...The best thing in America is that it takes everything good from the world and makes it better

7d fe ay balad 3arabi ye3raf ye3mel keda?

You dont bring me flowers anymore

She: You don't bring me flowers…You don't sing me love songs
He: You hardly talk to me anymore…When you come through the door…At the end of the day
She: I remember when…You couldn't wait to love me…Used to hate to leave me...Now after lovin' me late at night
He: When it's good for you…And you're feeling alright
She: Well you just roll over…And you turn out the light…And you don't bring me flowers anymore
He: It used to be so natural to talk about forever…But 'used to be's' don't count anymore...They just lay on the floor…'Til we sweep them away
She: And baby, I remember…All the things you taught me
He: I learned how to laugh…And I learned how to cry
She: Well I learned how to love…Even learned how to lie
He:You'd think I could learn…How to tell you goodbye
She: 'Cause you don't bring me flowers anymore

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Marriage is a contract that gives you the right to be selfish, possessive and suspecious all your life

اعترافات مثيرة لقاتل زوجته بالبحيرة:

أوثقت زوجتي بالحبال وصعقتها بالكهرباء لخروجها بدون إذني
Don't ever marry a man who is smaller than you, younger than you or poorer than you then you insult or humiliate or disobey him and the expected result would be as bad.

Can you believe...in the United States...in the City of San Diego...A man... Steals a Military Tank!!!

Showayyet Tarawa-7... STUNNING

Meen de ya gama3ah. Anybody knows?

Together We Are Strong

A song that will never ever die as long as there is HE and SHE
Who knows who are those singers?

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Crazy Funny

How to be nice and how to be rude. It is so simple but many do not care

Rude: -You are Wrong
Nice: -I don’t think so
-I have another opinion
-What if…
Rude: -You lie
Nice: -I don’t think so
-I my opinion what you say is not true
-Are you sure? that doesn’t match what I know
Rude: -Shut up. Stop talking
Nice: -Relax, let us hear somebody else
-Wait please. I need to tell you what I think
-I guess what you already said is pretty enough
Rude: -Come here
Nice: -Would you please come
-When you a chance please come
-I wonder if you can come now
Rude: -Stop
Nice: -That is enough please
-Do you mind to stop it right now please
Rude: -I hate that
Nice : -I don’t really like it
-It is not my style
Rude: -I will never do it
Nice: -I am sorry. I don’t feel comfortable doing that
-I don’t think I would be able to do that

Sit with yourself. See how many other words that you might need to say in your daily life and how can you say it in a nicer way. Remember, people feel it though they might not talk about it with you. Isn’t it nice that you are known to be a smooth talker. Wouldn’t that increase the people who loves you and respect you?

Thursday, September 27, 2007

A bright professional career HE married to an equally bright professional career SHE. Same age, academic achievement and income. See what happened

She: Hi, how was your day
He: Same, how was yours
She: Well. I am overwhelmed. All the responsibilities on me since I am the chief of the department. All the lazy men there don’t want to move there butt and do the work the way I want. Everyday I report one of them. What happened is...... then I did......After that, I did...........
He: Are you done?
She: Done of what?
He: Talking about your work and responsibilities and how great you are
She: Are you jealous or something?
He: Jealous of what?
She: By the way, I have good news. They chose me to travel to France to take a paid advanced course of system administration. Of course when I come back they will put me in a higher position.
He: Great! Am I going with you? It might be a good chance for us to have another honeymoon
She: That is not a picnic. It’s a business travel
He: oh, let me think of it
She: Think of what? It is my career. Do you want to stop my career?
He: Let us talk about it later. Come, get closer. Let us get it on. I missed you
She: Nnooww? I just came back from work tired and sleepy
He: So what. I am in your same situation. Do you want me to make you a cup of coffee?
She: Why don’t you treat me like a woman? Like a human. I am not a fridge that you can open it at any time to drink some cold water whenever you feel thirsty.
He: Fine, you tell me, whom am I gonna go to when I feel sexually thirsty? Aren’t you my wife?
She: You talk like a horney teenager. We are not young. You should be able to control yourself until it is the proper time. I am tired, tired. What do you expect me to say?
He: You mean I should control myself or masturbate like kids until you announce it is a proper time for you.
She: Well, when you married me, you married a career woman not a dumb house wife and you have to be understanding to my conditions
He: Was it my mistake that I married a bright professional career woman?
She: Honey, go take a cold shower and go to sleep. When you wake up you will forget it.
He went back home at mid-day
Maid: Ahlan ya sidi. Mosh be3ada ya3ni terga3 badri keda. Are you OK?
He: I am fine. I am so great. Enti ezzayek. Ana 3aref shoghl el beat keteer 3aliki
Maid: Abadan ya sidi. Ta3abkom ra7ah. Da akl 3eshi
He: Ta3ali bas erta7i showayya 3al kanaba ganbi
Maid: Ma3ool ya baih. Ma yesa77esh
He: Ta3li bass ta3aaalllliiiii (he pulls her)
Maid: La ya baih, ya lahwi, sebni ya baih. Ana mosh khaddama. Ana house keeper wa ma3aya bakaloryous.
He: Mana mo3gab beeki 3alashan keda (he hugs her and grab her boob)
Maid: yalahwi. Law meratak 3erfet 7a te2telna e7na letnean
He: Wa meen 7a y olaha bas? mahi mashghoola fe shoghlaha
Maid: La ya baih abadan. Da sharafi. Howana 3alashan mettala2ah?
He: Khoddi el 200 geneih doul eshtereelek fostan gedeed
Maid: La2 ya baih. Layomken ya baih. 3aib ya baih. Mosh keda ya baih. Ekhs 3alek ya baih. Ya we7esh ya baih.. ahhhhhh.
The system worked perfectly for He and She and the maid. Now everybody is happy.
Few months later...
He: We need to sit together. There is a problem that came up. We need to discuss it in a democratic civilized way like two professional people
She: Sure, I am always a professional woman. Whatzup
He: el khaddama 7amel
She: what? We7na malna?
He: elkhaddama 7amel menni
She: Yanhar abook esweed. Khaleft men el khaddama abl ma te khallef men meratak? Nemt ma3a khaddamti ya wati?
He: Ekhrasi. The maid gave me what you couldn’t give. The maid cared for me like a real wife. The maid was waiting for me to come home. The maid was beautifying for me. The maid never said she is tired. The maid always says that I am still young. The maid never bothered me with her shit work while she is with me in bed. Ya hanem… enti take2…tale2….tale2. I won’t even accept you as a second wife. You was a wrong choice from the beginning

Caught in the sauna

On the beach

The smartest woman on earth

Saving a drowning woman. Nice hah?

Electric Shock

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

The most brutal, injurious, traumatic animal like person. A bizarre individual. An angry hungry tiger. A criminal street boy.

Loved by many, hated by more but respected by ALL. Mike Tyson the Legend

Things about Mike Tyson
1- Loves to fight people
2- Manic depressive
3- Always craves aggression
4- Convicted of raping a young female college student
5- Two years in jail
6- Converted to Islam in the jail
7- Filed bankruptcy !
8- Living in his palace in Las Vegas
9- raising thousands of pigeons INSIDE his house
10- Have two tigers living with him INSIDE his house
11- Living by himself

The Robin's Family

The Robins behave socially in an ideal family system. The father shares in the care and responsibilities equally like the mother. Both of them play together a symphony of real love

3 minutes real action

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Who said that love is only a human feeling

Men are so impulsive

She: Ya magnoon

Don't blame a woman for behaving like a woman

She: What do you want
He: I want to have you
She: aha and why should I agree?
He: Because I love you
She: And?
He: And I need you
She: And?
He: And I can't live without you
She: And?
He: What else you looking for
She: I want you to help me and be a good man. Go do the laundry, water the flowers, remove the weeds, wash the cars, iron your shirts, fix your room, clean the garage then come have me.

Quality Muslim American Girl

My tits are for him to look at, not for everybody else


He: When I was young I dreamed to be a Doctor to be rich and marry a sweet pretty girl
She: When I was young I dreamed to marry a pilot so he makes me fly to distant places never seen before.
He: I ended up being a civil engineer but I have the sweetest woman on earth
She: I ended up marrying the man that I love. A poor civil engineer but a great man to share life with.
She: Are you happy with what you achieved?
He: having you sharing me my life is the best thing I achieved
He: Are you satisfied with what you achieved?
She: If I felt satisfied I won't be a woman. I still want you to be more. I will keep pushing you up forever. I want you to open your own business, then next to hire other engineers and you become the boss, then open more offices in other locations, then you become an owner of a big incorporation, then the boss becomes so big that he doesn't need to even go to the office. He just receive the reports and requests for consultation by email, then more and more and more. Finally I will be happy, though I am not sure if that finally would ever come.
He: you are scaring me young lady

Monday, September 24, 2007

It won't work like that

It won't work like that on both sides. Once you dared to speak with your partner this way you already lost him. Breaking the ego or treating your partner with a disrespectful way means you don't care anymore and that is the actual begining of the end. If you care then control yourself and stay away from her/his ego.

Some real fun

I really got disturbed. Where women are going to

Comfirm birth date & Watch ba3d el eftar

Saudi Arabia has a lot of better things than the oil

Self talk

She: I won't let him think of it as an acquired right. I won't let it be a routine thing
He: I won't let her abuse me or twisting my arms because she knows I need it
She: I am not a piece of furniture. I am not a TV. I am not a love doll. I am human. He has to hearn how to treat me like that
He: Why they make of it a big deal. It is just 5 minute body friction.
She: I am not married to be an always available source for his satisfaction.
He: Why she is thinking she is doing it to me. I please her too.
She: All those years I couldn't teach him that women make it for the emotional satisfaction not for the physical part like men, but the time has come for that lesson.
He: I rather fool around than let her enjoy that control.
She: It takes years for men and women to deal with their differences but I won't give up.


She: I love you because you are my baby
He: 40 years old baby hah?
She: It is not by the age. It is by the dependency. You are so dependent on me in everything. I even spoon feed you. Can you live without me?
He: hmmmmm. I couldn't when I tried.
She: Then you will always be my baby.

Ordinary Negociations

He: Please
She: NO
He: I will help you cooking today
She: NO
He: I will take you to a fancy romantic dinner
She: still NO
He: I will take you to the beach
She: still NO
He: I will buy you a gold ring
She: still NO
He: I will buy you a new dress
She: still NO
He: I will renovate you the kitchen
She: still NO
He: I will do all of the above
She: still NO
He: Why?
She: I have the period.
He: Shit. Women love those days, hah? Seeing their men burning

The consequence

She: Kassartini last night
He: Is it me or you? Huh? I can't even get up from bed.
She: Because are getting old. You became a poop. Take some Vitamins.
He: Don't provoke me girl. I am gonna do it again NOW.
She: Shut up. I need to get ready to work. I don't know how I am gonna function like that today.

Very Natural

He: Honey you get mad of things that I don't know. I don't feel it. Women see some things so big while men see them very small or even unnoticeable. I don't know why you are mad, why you are disappointed. Don't blame me I am a normal man. Your silence will solve nothing. Don't think that I am blunt or turning my blind eye then you punish me for that. I really don't feel it. We are simple creatures not like you. Make it clear in a gentle comment and I will either apologise and consider it in the future or tell you my reasons
She: I can't make comment on million things. You just don't feel what the woman is
He: fine, what now? break up or try as much to replace the missing pieces?

Nothing can be solved that way

Literally nothing can be solved that way. Each puts the blame on the other. Each has inordinate ego defence. Each doesn't want to share in the resposibility. Each refuses to say " Sorry". Each looks at the other like an enemy. Each lack the self confidence. Each does not have a minimal degree of diplomacy. Each considers the other the problematic partner. Each is closing the door for any resolution. Each avoids looking in self mirror to see how he looks. Each loses the insight and does not care about any consequences. That usually ends by a total crash. She goes her way and he goes his and the beautiful story that meant to be forever ends so fast.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Happy life is not a matter of chance. It is a matter of good choices

She: Boss ya sidi. Next weekend we will go to Disney land in Orlando. I already made all the reservations. The following Saturday you have your CME conference at Jacob Javits Center and I have to go to the Dentist to complete my root canal. We will meet at 6pm in Penn Station so we can take a nice dinner in the City. On Sunday we have to go to Jersey to attend Manal wa Sherif wedding. I already booked the flowers and bought them a gift. The following Saturday we have appointment at the Infiniti dealer to buy me the new car that you promised me. On Sunday we will go to Doctor Maher and Maha house for their daughter's birthday party. I already bought her a gift. Next Saturday we will relax because the following Sunday we will take the plane to Egypt to spend our two weeks vacation. I counted all our friends and relatives and bought each a suitable gift. aih ra2yak ba2ah?
He: oh honey. You made my life so comfortable, enjoyable and organized. I don't know how I was living before .